
So why are they including minifigs in the launch? Is there any scientific reason or just something the rocket nerds decided would be funny/cool?

Even though he has made errors in the past, that doesn't mean everything he claims is wrong. I'm not saying he is correct, however if the above claims have a shred of possibility of being true, isn't it the obligation of researches to investigate further?

So what happens when the window is cracked by a rock or something. This would cost a lot to replace I'd think.

Wow, that cop is very ineffectual. Those people that came in to hug/kiss/whatever the arrested people could have done anything. They could have handed them a blade to affect an escape, or even attacked them while helpless. The police have a responsibility to those they arrest to keep them free from harm. If the crowd

So let me get this straight, you purchase expensive items, then hack them up just so you don't look like a corporate stooge?

Why wouldn't they include helicopters in their strategy? They can land in parks and take a good group of people to safety quite quickly. The idea is to get everyone to safety as quickly as possible, going by air is the quickest and can be controlled by the airforce, FEMA, etc. You only need to get people out, not

How is that a Ball of Fire? Its a stream of fire. I was waiting for the trombone to launch a fiery projectile.

If you are talking about removing all tech, then you couldn't function in today's society. Tech covers vehicles, elevators, etc. Even if you narrow it down to computers and mobile phones, you are at a major disadvantage.

I wasn't looking for him

Surviving high temperatures is different from surviving fire. A candle flame is about 1000 degrees Celsius. Even a lit cigarette is about 400 to 500 degrees Celsius when just sitting there. Much higher than your "moss piglets" (my preferred term for Tardigrades) can survive.

You obviously didn't read the article fully. It states radiation increases the RISKS of cancer or other ailments at a later stage. Just like mercury poisoning. It builds up the more you are exposed over your life.

While they are thinking of ways to implement touch with Photoshop, Adobe (and other developers) should be thinking of new ways to select tools. Icons and menus are old school. Why not just use voice recognition, mixed with eye movement and touch?

@sassafras: Han Solo is never wrong. When he uses "parsecs" as a measure of time, its his own personal joke with Chewbacca. He is testing the intelligence of the listener and if they don't pick up on the mistake he has a good chuckle with Chewy.

@nbergseng: Helium is non flammable. I suggest watching Archer season 1 episode 7 (Skytanic) for further details.

@Vega7: running away is considered resisting arrest, that would add on a bit more time.

I'll wait until the 3D TVs are like the monitor Ben Affleck's character reverse engineered and improved in Paycheck. No screen to get in the way for full 360 degree viewing.

You do realise that Da Vinci was awesome and could have made the entire picture from memory.

Just send them to Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He'll sort them out.

@Arcane: If it came down to dying in a vacuum or having a spear go through your leg to return you to safety, I think most people would choose the spear.