Big Ed

I actually applaud it. I fly either with a small pack that will fit under the seat or I will check a bag. I absolutely cannot stand dragging a carry-on through the airports, and worse, finding out all the overheads are full anyway and it gets gate-checked. I know I’m a minority but I would love if all checked bags

You are so fucked America. How you going to solve the fake news and 50% of the population being painfully stupid problem?

I’m 13 weeks pregnant with a baby I desperately wanted and just discovered the poor little thing has an abnormality which, if I try to carry to term, will likely result in stillbirth or a short and agonizing life for it, and possible death for me. My state barely allows abortion so I have to drive my pregnant, still

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!

How is it going to work that his kids get security clearance when they’re running his businesses? There’s supposed to be a firewall there.

You know who established the EPA? Richard Nixon. He was considered a conservative Republican. How far the party has “evolved” (a word not particularly in favor in that group) on science.

you know what i will miss most about obama?

Taxation without representation.

Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.

Zuck, you can either allow Facebook to be a completely user-driven experience, or you can be a news organization. But if you plump for the latter then it means deciding on an editorial direction for what you allow for, and ‘anything goes’ doesn’t fucking count, at least not if you want to have anything in the way of

Someone posted this on Reddit, it makes some interesting points beyond the economic argument why mass deportation is such a bad idea:

Trump and his supporters are so goddamned shortsighted. Do they realize how much it will cost to deport or incarcerate that many people (in money, not even talking about the fucking emotional toll to the families and communities that will be dismembered)??

remove CA and NY’s money and the red states are deep deep doo doo financially...go look up which states take more federal money than they return in taxes. It’s a who’s who of deep ‘fiscally conservative’ states.

It’s a long complicated story. I’m sure it’s little consolation but the majority of Americans actually agree with you. Trump was elected by a minority of voters and an arcane electoral system that actually was originally designed to prevent crazy, ignorant voters from electing a dangerously unfit President. Many of

If the dealership is so worried about their reputation, maybe they should offer a better buying experience.

This is very timely.


Nuance, reading comprehension, and attention to detail are not exactly things Trump supporters are known for.

I think the hope is that he will quickly realize that he is out of his league and will cede most of the actual governing to Pence and his advisors - who will not be good by any means, but at least they’re politicians who are unlikely to nuke Europe or something like that. The campaign trail is a circus - and Trump is