Big Ed
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I am a 46 year old Canadian. I have a wife and two kids. I was 13 when 99 Luftballons was a hit. When I was 15, I was terrified that the Persian Gulf Crisis would spill over and create a nuclear conflict. My parents talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis and have more than once, said that they seriously debated bringing

I work for a dealership group here in Metro-Detroit, and I also am the TrueCar rep for the group as well. TrueCar offers are typically geared toward “cash” buyers because they do include ALL current offers through the manufacturer. TrueCar also partners with several vendors (i.e., USAA, AMEX, Consumer Reports, etc...)

Jeebus, when are these dumbass fuckers going to realize that freely available contraceptives is an amazing way to prevent abortions?

You mean the former editor of the Harvard Law Review, one of the most prestigious literary positions in the country? He may know a thing or two about writing.....

Millions who didn’t have health care was able to finally afford to do so for themselves and their family. Yes that sounds like a train wreck... maybe think before you parrot your party blindly.

It saved my life. Speak for yourself.

2016 is the year when a leader was ushered in who will help to unravel those accomplishments.

I know some Jalops don’t want to hear it. But as someone who is old enough to remember the brown clouds and inversions from the 70's and 80's anything that slows Trump from being able to allow automakers to sell guzzling spewers without checks or balances is completely alright with me.

So he posted an ignorant, self-serving opinion which he hopes people take as an informed fact because they never bother to verify information they read on Twitter.

I got my grandparents a Chromebook last Xmas and it has been the best thing ever. Tech support calls (to me) have reduced drastically and they absolutely love it.

Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me...

This is the world we live in. Having to exhaustively interrogate every word our next president says because he is such a compulsive, unapologetic liar.

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

The next four years will be like 1856-1860, when America was falling apart, hopelessly divided and completely chaotic, the years which led directly to the Civil War in 1861.

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

The speed and the severity of the turnabout from “Crooked Hillary is rigging the election, folks,” to, “We won, and this Russian business sounds like just another excuse,” should be giving us all collective whiplash--but I am convinced that Trump is actually Howard the Duck in a meat suit.

...certainly, nothing sticks

I mean, you don’t have to tamper with voting machines for an election result to be manipulated. Voter suppression and foreign action WERE factors in the election outcome. It’s just that no one tampered with the machines or the count itself, so it wasn’t very literally rigged.

Based on the comments, we need to define “hack the election”.

Maybe. Myself, I think Don the Con was going to win those unlikely states by about 1% no matter what voters actually did.

hate that guy who took the worst economy in the latter half of the 20th century and concocted the largest expansion of the economy ever seen in history despite a congress hell-bent on stopping any Obama triumph even if it meant the suffering of every American (and when interest rates were essentially at 0% - this is a