Big Ed

France called - they want their statue back

Another trick that I’ve seen (and almost been a victim of) is incredibly long contracts that have cancellation conditions that are almost impossible to meet. After I got home and studied the fine print of the contract I found that they only accepted cancellations in person and with the original signed contract.

Am I the only one who thinks the reason Herr Trump wasn’t going to accept a Clinton win was that he know the fix was in for him? He never stopped claiming that the election was rigged, and t takes a crook to know a crook.

Very old and corny joke: What’s the difference between and angry duck and a lawyer. The duck clucks defiance...

Why on earth does the thin-skinned Cheeto head hide behind Twitter attacks, instead of calling press conferences and talking to people like a real leader? My theory is that he’s so full of bovine excrement that he couldn’t stand for a real journalist to actually fact-check him. So unfair!

I would agree with you IF there was good pre-natal and post-natal support for moms and their babies and IF there were robust social programs and health care and IF an exception were made for fetuses with no viable chance of life post-partum. Unfortunately, thanks to your Repugnican politicians, none of the above are

As a Canadian neighbour, I do hope that your country can get over the deep divides that this long, wearying campaign has brought out.

Am I the only one that noticed the size of the generators, stated as 500 kilowatts, is probably out by a factor of 1000? Do you perhaps mean 500 MEGAwatts? A 500kW machine is not particularly large.

Bus steering wheels, at least on the New Flyer D40LF, tilt and telescope so the driver can position as he sees fit. Some drivers prefer the horizontal position, particularly the veterans who learned to drive bus in the high floor, manual steering days.

Always be nice to people on your way up the ladder, because you may meet them again on your way back down. Or, more crudely: The toes you step on today may be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.