Rarely Sober Insomniac

Hari Seldon like:

This really flips the concept of self defense on its head. If people were attacking your property, that’s cut and dry. But this is a child who left his property, and inserted himself into a chaotic night of civil unrest. He essentially deputized himself as a police officer. And when he threatened and intimidated

And maybe proofread their articles.

Good to know. And I guess they are well aware that, hot or cold, Wendy's fries still suck.

Yes, the shooter who crossed state lines with an illegal firearm to defend himself.

Sir, this is a Morty’s /s

Active shooters can now all claim self defense.

Christ almighty this case is taking a sledgehammer to criminal justice caselaw. We’re really doing this? We’re going to let white children kill whoever they want, get acquitted, and live out their lives as celebrities and later, elected leaders?

I don’t even have an active game going now; I just take my most recent character, the main quest done, level 80+, dig him out of his happy retirement cabin in the wilderness, and have him take a lap around the map, stopping wherever is interesting. And then suddenly it’s three months later real time, and I’ve been

I’m not so sure about your projection. From a purely anecdotal angle, you have to recognize that the demographic for Disney+ is basically kids, parents/grandparents and Marvel/StarWars dorks. You also have to look at trends around birthrates, a quickly declining older population (see grandparents/parents above) and

Simple test to see if you are an idiot:

you sound just like my mom

Reply to Myoda:

So many Nazis responding today are not proud of being Nazis. Trump told you that Nazis can be “good people”. Own it.

The unseasoned grays are working hard.


Totally unlike Dave, then.

This lady is latching onto controversy for attention. It's way too obvious. 


Cuckoo clock, anyway.