Neither is he.
Neither is he.
If I own a business, and your actions harm my brand, I’m going to fire you.
“Triggered” - usually a term used by Trump supporters or “libertarians”. Say SJW or snowflake next.
Did this article ever state this was healthier in anyway? Do you go out of your way to smack down Twinkies or that cursed Little Debbie when mentioned? Since you’re against processed foods and all? It’s a vegan option that in no way needs to be healthy, it’s just an option.
So no answer to my question?
That shade was the best shade. That shade could cool a whole wedding party on a hot summer day. That shade could kill a lawn. That shade was so deep the light from the sun would take a million years to get there.
Did the teacher also agree to take the ass beatings these kids will receive?
Well yeah, that’s very true. But then they could use all the lyrics to rap!
If white people gave up white supremacy, they wouldn’t feel the need to say it.
Pretty sure every black person would be fine with white people saying it if white people gave up white supremacy.
Yeah, It seems like they’re talking to people who never had Gamepass. Oh look you get a lot of our games on Gamepass. Get Gamepass now! But us old time subbers know this is nothing new.
Most of these were already on Gamepass.
So that time I blew out my flip flop was really the oligarchy oppressing me and alienating my labor?
Trump decisively put the nail in the coffin of the idea that this has anything to do with policy. He was threatening to nuke North Korea one day and pulling troops out of Syria the next. He simultaneously called for the strengthening of libel laws and government intervention to prevent social media companies from…
My hoglin auto barbaque does both. I like to say the pork that comes out is air fried.
Agreed. Similar to the constant “Who, really, are the Trump voters in America?” think pieces ... Dumb fucking racists. There’s your answer to this and so much of the shit from the past 4+ years.
Ya’ll are sick fucks.
*launches another family of 4 into the sun in Rollercoast Tycoon*
Fuck Bill Maher.
Please we’ve been doing this for years in Minecraft. Sometimes we use lava, or make them fall to their death and break every bone in their body.
I voted for Slime-kitty. But nooo people wanted the tree.