Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.
Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.
Pure fucking arrogance and entitlement.
I’m sorry for your loss. This story is absolutely heartbreaking.
I’m so sorry for your loss and everyone else who cared for them.
I am still experiencing complete anger and shock over this news. I knew this family and spent time with the 2 older kids, especially Lianna. The whole community will be in mourning for a long time.
It will never happen, but when the police are called to a domestic dispute, they should remove any and all firearms from the house, every time, regardless of whether someone is arrested. You should have to apply to get them back, and have your spouse sign that application.
David Wilson of Birmingham City University has divided these cases into four groups: anomic, disappointed, self-righteous and paranoid.
Yes. I had trolls jump on me for assuing it was a domestic violence situation and that he’d done it but to me it was so clear right away with this story.
Anyone with just passing knowledge of domestic violence would have known it was the father who killed the family and then himself. I knew when it was reported that the dog was also killed. These kinds of murders are about dominance and control.
Annihilators; “If I can’t have you, no one will.”
So a man with a history of “domestic disputes” severe enough to warrant the police having to attend was legally able to obtain a gun with which to kill his wife. That’s an odd interpretation of a well regulated militia.
This is the worst fucking thing I’ve ever heard. How the fuck can you shoot your own children? Your own wife? This is so horrific. That’s about as much commentary as my brain can muster right now.
Agreed. I also wonder if this is the shit she’s going public with, how much worse it probably got. I wish she would take him for everything and ruin him. But then like my grandma always said, wish in one hand spit in the other, see which fills up faster
I swear to god, if ANYONE ELSE calls Heard a: whore/gold digger/opportunistic bitch who deserved it, after this I will fucking LOSE MY MIND.
This is only the tip of the.....oh.
I’m beginning to think Johnny Depp is a bit of an asshole.
Starred for author name/topic synergy.
of all the people to post this...