Rapunzel's Frying Pan

This is so horrible! Maybe because I write for more artsy fartsy stuff, I never have to conduct interviews like that. Gross. Can’t peeps just talk about the film/album etc.? I’m always taken aback when a PR person says “please only talk about the film, directing career” etc. It always seems to happen with women and

Have you read Mindy Kaling’s last book? She mentions an interview that took place in a restaurant and the (I think male but not 100% sure) writer later wrote something along the lines of “plus sized actress, not affraid to put jam on her toast."

There are actual websites where people can pay to watch women (often slender, often Asian) eat large meals. Just that. Not naked, not “two minutes of eating before the delivery guy comes in and they bang.” Just watching them set up an elaborate meal and eat it all. Creeps me the fuck out.

It’s a one-two punch: first the weird, uncomfortable interview itself, where you realize this big, important magazine selected this leering golum to interview you, then, reading the interview that the big, important magazine happily published and realizing they thought said leering golum did a terrific job.

Oooh I want to hear all your information/experience/gossip. Would totally read a weekly column.

And there it is. It is no longer about Sanders, if it ever was. It's just about your precious unsustainable imaginary future and not the hard god damn work it's going to take to get there. Privilege plain and simple, what will it hurt if Trump gets elected? They won't feel any pain from his insanity.

Well at least now we know that those interviews are as weird for them to do as they are for us to read. While I’m glad she’s de-sensitized to the sexism, I will giver her some props for calling it out as what it is.

This is weird, and bad, but remember, people who go to conventions are weird, and bad, and are completely unlike general election voters!

I cannot imagine how uncomfortable I would be as a woman to read an interview that reads like the writer used his boner instead of his pen to write it.

I’ve wondered the same thing too, and now we know. Yes. Yes they do.

If I were a big enough star, I’d refuse to be interviewed by men. I’d be labeled a difficult diva, but I also wouldn't have to put up with this kind of shit.

I often wonder if those interviews feel weird or awkward to the subject as it does reading it. I wonder how Natalie Imbruglia felt about her “date” interview.

Yes. There’s heavily referential art, transformative art, and copying.

She and Kanye come to mind, I’m sure there are a lot of others. Even when they’re up front about stealing from other people, they’re the ones who benefit. The fans aren’t made explicitly aware of the original artist - they’re careful to choose people that are obscure, their work decades old, and only well known in

I wouldn’t say they are paid well. It is a dangerous job that you would have to pay me a lot more than what the average cop makes in order to put my life on the line every day.

I’m from Dallas, and can tell you that our City Council has absolutely gutted police funding. And, all Dallas cops must have either a 2 or 4 year degree. You can work 10 miles north for almost double the pay in safer areas. If I was a cop, why would I want to work for Dallas? Despite that, Chief Brown has (very

it’s possible that they restructured the salary for on-coming officers to be comparable to other cities to give that extra 8k per person. — just thinking off the cuff, I can’t say for sure that this is the case though

I was listening to npr talk about the issues Dallas pd faces and I believe they are underfunded. Many officers leave to go to different precincts, Dallas pd doesn’t pay as well as other areas and their benefits aren’t as good either. That creates a high turnover rate and high turnover adds more costs. I doubt they

“at least 240 officers left the Dallas police department in the 2015 fiscal year. The department has the budget to hire 200 more people”