Rapunzel's Frying Pan

I’m so sorry about your sister. That really fucking sucks. I wish I could be more eloquent or comforting, but I can’t think of anything else to say.

I’m so sorry. About everything.

Let me preface this by saying that I’m a twenty-one, white, queer woman living with physical and mental chronic illnesses, who grew up in an upper-middle class home. Though I’ve had many struggles, I have a lot of privilege that’s surely preempted me from having the worst week of my life.

Thank you. I am feeling better physically. Drained, but better.

I’m so scared. What has happened to America.

literally same. i cant breathe and my heart is literally hurting

Unfortunately, I’ve seen more of them.


This makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I didn’t know that was still possible. Thank you!

“Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an un-lived life. You don’t have to live forever, you just have to live.”

We would be disgusting; abhorrently nerdy lovebirds, loathed by a majority of the human race.

Hello, TERF.

Sounds like it.

Uhm, YEAH.

Jeez Louise.

I desperately want to hear this story, but I feel this so hard. I don’t even use my own computer for Kinja, much less my own email. I’m that weirdo who puts a sticky note over the webcam when it’s not in use.

YES. I approve this glorious idea! Everyone, post your costume choices!

Too cute. All of them.

I am dressing up as Leslie Knope dressing up as Sandra Dee O’Connor, and my boyfriend is dressing up as Ben Wyatt dressing up as The Lamp Lighter from Cones of Dunshire: Winds of Tremorrah.

I would happily fund the shit out of this project.