Rapunzel's Frying Pan

Yep. They’ve all been fed that bullshit, though. Everyone knows boy bands have an expiration date. People have been setting this stage (ha) for years. Zayn was just the idiot who let it get to his head and jumped the gun on it. Personally, I don’t think it’ll last. He burned too many bridges and has made a real

He has only become more insufferable since he went solo. He has achieved what I thought to be impossible.

Yeah, but if he’s the emeritus president, he can do all that, and pardon turkeys.

I have decided to send you a barrage of cute, because I can.

I have actively not been making the assumption that you are straight. I don’t know you. I’m sure that you’re a very nice person. I think one reason why people- including myself- are peeved about your comments is because it’s been a super shitty year for everyone all around, and sometimes it’s just nice to imagine cute

I don’t have any substantive words of comfort to combat the ugly, hateful rhetoric that has been spewed at us this year. But I am here with you, and I really do believe that bringing this repugnant bigotry to the light will truly expunge some of it. Maybe not all, but some. Hang in there.


Maybe that has to do with the fact that Jez has a pretty solid LGBT+ population and we can empathise. I don’t know if this is your intention, but you’re coming off as particularly condescending and ignorant.

Same. I’m not religious, but it’s stuff like this that makes me wish I could believe in religion and God/Goddess or whatnot. The comfort that must come from being so certain that you’re not alone, that there are plans and answers, and that you’ll see your loved ones again someday. I desperately want that.

I agree. But there’s added nuance when the couple is LGBT+.

Exactly. When normalcy is considered taboo- or even illegal in some places- it’s no wonder LGBT+ couples dream of it.

Yes, you did the smart thing. It takes an incredible amount of courage to speak out about the horrible experience you had, especially when that experience reveals the faults in our society’s ridiculous notions about what it means to be a “real” man. I admire your sense of self. I’m glad you’re doing well. <3

I hope you’re okay. <3

I don’t agree with some of Nicki Minaj’s business decisions, but fucking hell if she’s not a badass. And that top she’s wearing is super cute.

It’s laughable that he pretends Angelina will “turn” him into an enemy. I don’t know a single person in Hollywood who, behind closed doors, likes him. Even the nicest actors parse their lips at the mention of his name.

Same. We can be in pop culture shame together.

I’ve heard from friends that it can help with pain and anxiety, but it depends on the strain.