Rapunzel Fitzherbert


It's like the cast members aren't even there! ;)

OH GOD THIS IS WHY I YELL. I watch people trail their hands along the walls and the doors while I'm driving the ride vehicle and I'm just like STOP STOP STOP and they get so offended, like I've just asked them to sacrifice their favorite child. Same when I tell them to sit down on the moving ride, or when I tell them

NOPE NOPE NOPE never fear. They drained the ride track till they got 'em.

Ahh, I loved the old one! You flew to Endor! The new one is great for reride value- there's 11 different scenes for 54 combinations, plus there's the aspect of picking the rebel spy- but the old one was crazy jerky and the theming was classic Star Wars, rather than this current hodgepodge of old and new trilogy.

My work pants are made of a Satanic blend of wool and polyester, and combined with the fact that it's about 300% humidity right now, my inner thighs are chafed completely raw. Like I'm dreading the walk to my car right now. How can I fix this??

So Eugene Fitzherbert and I have been together for eight years, married for four of them, and I don't know if he loves me anymore.

Netflix added the rest of Toddlers and Tiaras and I cannot stop binge watching. Now I'm wondering how one goes about making those cupcake dresses, because I've got enough experience to make those and clearly there's good money there. And also with all this Ultimate Grand Supreme talk I constantly crave burritos.


Also, I just want to throw it out there that unless it's a costumed event like the Halloween parties, an adult in costume can be asked to leave the parks. Usually security will just request for the guest to change into street clothes, but a few weeks ago a girl in a shitty Aurora costume was standing outside Princess

Meh. Her gown is a modified prom dress and her wig is poorly styled, so I'm not terribly impressed. She looks more like Elsa when she's not dressed up.

Yay!!! My favorite combo is Vader, Hoth, Yoda, Coruscant- although the Naboo scene is fantastic too. And so is the transmission with Ackbar.

Which scenes did you get?? Hoth and Coruscant are my favorites.

One of my favorite parts about working at Star Tours is seeing little kids in costumes, and the girls always have the most creative ones. And often you see little girls in princess dresses carrying lightsabers, and I just want to be like "LET ME GIVE YOU ALL THE STICKERS."

My parents were sure I'd be a boy, so they planned to name me Charles Harrison, after my father and Harrison Ford. They were so sure, in fact, that until I popped out with ladybits they hadn't thought of a girl's name at all. So they hastily saddled me with the same middle name as my mother and a perpetually

You are wonderful, and I shall send you a lock of my hair posthaste!

Please be my bosom friend. You articulated all the things I wanted to say.

I was supposed to hang out with a friend for her birthday, but it was all people I didn't know and I didn't get off work till late and they weren't planning on getting dinner. I ended up making an excuse, apologizing, and promising to hang out later. Which works because I already almost home by the time she updated me

Nope, I'm not friends with anybody (that's the official terminology- you don't play Cinderella, you're friends with Cinderella, which I think is adorable). I'm in attractions! I'm currently trained at two, one in a galaxy far, far away and one that brings the movies to life. :P

I KNOW THAT FEEL BRO. Why do parents think it's okay to call you names and tell you to go to hell because their darling angelpants is too short to ride an attraction?