
You can't have it both ways: you can't tout choice as a plus and not get fragmentation as a minus.

Your Android bias is showing.

Uhhh... the Galaxy Tab was released (U.S.) in November of last year. So barely over a year old.

I'm an atheist that puts up lights, so I guess I can answer this question too.

My porn name would be Harrison Fjord.

Not looking like a slob in public? That's a sentiment I can get behind, and it's not gender-specific.

This is why I got the daily disposables. Open a new pack every morning, pluck them out of your eyes before you sleep and flush them down the toilet.

That's not fair. There are a lot of fraternities and sororities doing great things in their communities and schools. But you'll never hear anything in the news about that, because the ones that do stupid shit like this make for better stories.

Is this the new cool thing to do? First Oink, then Stamped, now this... all essentially doing that rate-a-thing-within-a-thing.

Yeah, I've decided that there's just no winning in this scenario. You have some population of people clamoring about chivalry being dead and wishing more men practiced it, and then you have other people making a ruckus about "benevolent sexism." As a guy, I will give up my seat if...

Lemme tell you, life would be so much easier for us sorta-shy fellas if women asked us out instead.

I'm not even claustrophobic, but being buried alive is pretty much my worst fear. Ever. Anyone see Buried starring Ryan Reynolds last year? Scariest movie of the year, and it didn't even have ghosts, demons, or serial killers in it.

Isn't Siri baked into the OS though? It's not just an app that they can have people download. I'm sure if it was possible to do it that way, they would have. Remember FaceTime for Mac?

This is why when Apple calls something "beta" software, they mean it.

I saw this sticker next to a "testimonial" on that site and stopped reading.

Just because it's been around forever doesn't make it right. If other sites don't have to resort to them, why does Gizmodo?

It's sensationalist headlines like this that have me reading Gizmodo less and less and turning to other tech blogs. Compare

Here's an idea, Spotify: Make the yearly subscription an even $99 if you pay for the entire year up front (instead of $119.88).

Yeah this totally wouldn't have worked for a Galaxy Tab ad making fun of the iPad, because when you put them side-by-side, they look exactly the same.

Until Android tablet makers can answer the following question, they will never catch up: