
I like to think of you lot as "Special"s. You're very... special. In that you get things slower than the rest of us Normals.

I think when it comes to protecting my privacy, I'd prefer my government to be "hyper legislative."

Not saying it isn't, but let's not pretend like Google is doing this to be "nice."

I doubt this is because Google cares about protecting individual privacy... this is about protecting Google from itself.

Yeah, that's why I don't think Duck Duck Go is quite there yet. Plus, I am too used to some of the other searches Google offers, like News and Shopping (as well as Image search). One day, hopefully.

Who knows? One day we'll say the same thing about Google:

All it takes is word of mouth. That's how I switched from Yahoo! to Google initially. That's how I switched from IE to Firefox. Someone said "Why the hell are you using that? Use this instead."

For now. But remember when Yahoo! was the search engine of choice for everybody?

It's about time for a new search engine to rise up (maybe Duck Duck Go?). Google's search results have been tainted for quite some time now (promoted search results, Google+ content, etc...), but this may be the final nail in the coffin for me to move on.

Someone should have engineered you to not poop on parties.

Not true. I'm an adult male that got circumcised recently and it was purely for medical reasons. It was necessary for my health, and recommended by my urologist.

I think we can both agree on one thing: choice would be fantastic.

Samsung "innovation" at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

Considering the amount of TV shows I keep up with (20 or so at last count), at 13 episodes a season, I would be paying upwards of $500 a year for SD quality shows at the prices you listed. Even at $1 per episode, I'm still looking at $260 per year.

I would like that too, but that would be super-expensive. I'm willing to pay, say, $4.99 for an entire season's worth of episodes (most shows I watch have a 13-episode format anyway), but at $0.99 an episode? Expensive.

A retina iPad mini poses some questions about resolution, however.

I think this was always Apple's strategy.

You should really get it swapped out. My Fuelband lasts a week, sometimes more, without needing a charge. And I've had it since the month it came out.

My issue is that you shouldn't have to. Besides, it's not just once a day - I check my Fuelband app for my iPhone a few times a day.

No Bluetooth is a dealbreaker. I've had the Nike Fuelband pretty much since launch and I find myself using it less and less as a fitness tracker. The Up would be a nice alternative, since it does so much more. Battery life on my Fuelband is great, so I don't really understand why Jawbone couldn't have included that