
USB doesn't offer the same flexibility as Apple's solution does. There have been a billion articles on this, but here's one:

Should've used Gorilla Glass.

Surely you mean 5S.

Mat Honan had essentially the same article, written earlier: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/09/the-iphone-5-is-boring-and-amazing/

Not according to this:

Can't these issues just be fixed with software updates? The hardware is still sound.

It's Zod from Superman II.

I'm not denying that Apple creating a proprietary dock wasn't to make a profit AT ALL, but there are clear advantages to using the 30-pin over USB. Just read the Cult of Mac article linked:

As opposed to your cutting-edge Samsung/HTC/Motorola/LG Android handset? With a slightly bigger screen? Two kickstands? Where have Android phone manufacturers tried to innovate?

This is not just about speakers. The 30-pin allows people to use iDevices in ways they cannot use other products without one (think about medical scanners and Apple's own retail store checkout system).

That's NOT what I was saying. I'm talking about designs like the HP Envy ultrabook or the Asus Zenbook, which were clearly "inspired" by Apple's Air.

Please read the specific patents before making judgements.:

Please read the specific patents before making judgements.:

Right, but you can't say that Apple was inspired by the LG Prada phone, because a similar device was in development by them before it was unveiled to the public.

"Over-litigating?" I think they're litigating just the right amount. Apple filed patents, and they feel that Samsung infringed on those patents.

Did you not read the very article you posted?

How's that working out for GRiD?

The Galaxy S, for starters. Here you go:

Obvious troll is obvious.

I'm in this boat too. I think a 3.5" screen is just PERFECT.