
I don't know why Amazon is still considered a buyer for webOS. They made their bed with Android already. They released a tablet and have an app store.

That statement is very vague. What does "obvious patents" mean? I'm not sure "swiping to unlock" is a very obvious thing. I mean, there were massmarket phones with touchscreens (key word here being "massmarket," I'm sure everyone can find some prototype of something on YouTube from the 80s or something) before the

... needs ammo against who with this patent? Apple?

I don't think it's just the "prettiness." It's the feel of it. Android still feels cold. It's a very impersonal OS. There's really no other way to put it into words. And yes, those straight edges contribute to this. Maybe that's what the author was trying to say.

Fantastic. Hearted.

"404 - Like my memory of my sexual harrassment settlement, this page doesn't exist."

Addressing a few different things here, so...

As a straight man - I absolutely loved Emma Watson in short hair.

No thanks, I hear Phandroids don't wipe and are generally unhygenic.

Does that chart include the iPad & iPod touch? (and the Android tablets too)

No no, that's not a better analogy because both PCs are legitimate choices. You would do fine with either one.

Uh, "over taken" in what sense? Browser usage? Best selling phone? Profits? Please elaborate, with statistics rather than innuendo.

This entire feature should have gone under "Stories We Didn't Post."

Where in his comment did he even mention Apple or iPhone? #trollpatrol

What a surprise! The cheaper the headphones, the lower the quality of the sound. Excellent conclusion.

Attention to detail. They didn't need to change or update these things, but they did. I guess that's the point of the post.

I don't understand why you need a whole TV to be able to do this. Can't they just incorporate SIRI into the existing Apple TV? Or even a new model?

Why would you want to? It would distract me more than anything.

You can say that about any piece of technology, not just stuff Apple makes.

Remember when people were like "Apple should enter the netbook market!"