
Interesting thing to note: Amazon only mentions "Android" once on their Kindle Fire product page ([goo.gl]), and that's "App Store for Android." They do not mention that it is an Android device anywhere else, however.

Sooooo as a single guy... I should move out of DC into NYC?

Lack of evidence?! But it's all right here, in this ancient book about kittens!

The reason a lot of atheists (myself included) get defensive is because we're constantly put in a position where we have to. Every time I mention that I'm an atheist, theists automatically take that to mean that I think they're stupid. As if the very knowledge that I exist somehow threatens their worldview.

Hey, religion of convenience. All of them are. I have Muslim friends who don't specifically eat halal and drink regularly that still mock me for my atheism.

It's basically Internet Forums: The Show.

Two weeks ago I was on here complaining about how this wasn't a real reboot, just how a few "inconvenient" (to writers) have changed or been erased. In the back of my head, I hoped that my reaction was unwarrented and how everything would work out fine, I just had to have faith.

This might be my last season.

Well, the second search result is "put on racy underthings and cook him a special dinner," so it would be in his best interests to keep his mouth shut.

The problem with that is a lot of Android phones have their miniUSB on the side rather than the bottom. I get the feeling that Android phone makers just don't like docks.

Since I went to a US public school.

Meteorite? Southwest US? Did Krypton just explode?

"People are basing what they think of a product on how they think it will appeal to new readers/viewers/players. Why? Why does everyone care what other people think?"

Green Lantern kitty is super cute and will hopefully be less murderous than Red Lantern kitty.

I haven't read DC Comics for nearly 6 years, and was excited to start over with this relaunch.

Yep, I remember "bogus" being a thing in the early 90s when I was in school. The strange part was, half the kids didn't even know that it meant "fake" or "not genuine" and used it for anything that was bad. "That show is bogus." "That song is bogus." etc...

The 511s are labeled "skinny," but are not really what you think of when you think of skinny jeans. They fit like jeans should - comfortable, not baggy, and not ball-squeezingly tight.

Did you visit the links he posted? One of them was talking about OSX 10 Server and large networks in companies not being secure (something I cannot comment on because of a lack of experience, but hardly affects the consumer), and the other two talk about social engineering exploits and phishing scams more than malware

You didn't read my post at all.

Us Mac users see this gloom n' doom bell ring every year. John Gruber summed it up very nicely: