
Down to 2, but I'd be curious to see how often people actually use "Cut" to warrant having any more, anyway. I, myself, use Copy+Paste a lot more than Cut+Paste. -

Or, you know, you can hover over them and it brings up a tooltip explaining exactly what the button does.

The button with the gear on it, actually. Clicking it brings down a menu similar to right-clicking an item. So let's count the ways you can access copy+paste...

I think Apple as it exists today - the culture, the attention to detail, the innovative nature - is Steve Jobs's most amazing product.

Are you kidding? They just ran a story earlier today about how OSX Lion is killing (mauling) apps in the background and how this is an absolute OUTRAGE because Apple doesn't trust users blahblahblah - and they didn't even have all the facts.

This is what annoys me about this type of article writing. It's lazy, it doesn't give all the information, and it relies on sensational headlines.

I just checked Amazon for this product and the reviews (and pictures) are some of the funniest I have ever read & seen. Check it out: [goo.gl]

According to the video on the Kickstarter page, it's been designed so it doesn't affect or hit the airbag.

Ugh! And to think, Samsung might have sold a Galaxy Tab 10.1 if not for this!

Curse you, Syfy! Eureka was never a great show, and it sure as hell wouldn't have won any Emmys, but it was fun to watch and had great characters! When Warehouse 13 and Being Human go, so will I.

Pass on the low-flow shower head. I'd rather pay an extra $75 a year and be drenched in lots & lots of hot water in the morning.

I think the problem is that a lot of guys wear too much because they don't realize that while their nose gets used to the smell, other people can smell it very strongly.

If this season turns into the Sam & Ron Tragedy Hour again, I'm going to leave and never look back.

Not to defend that scene (the whole werepanther story was really badly executed and was a horrible idea to begin with), but I'm glad that True Blood actually treated it as rape and called it out for what it was.

So basically no Superman Returns repeat.

Remember, Apple never claimed iOS was "open."

How is that any different from console gaming? A few companies always rule at the top, whether it be Namco, Capcom, Nintendo, Ubisoft, etc... Sometimes you have an indie game hitting it big, like Braid, but more often than not, something made by those few companies is what sells millions and stuff like Psychonauts

This. I have an iPhone and I have both a 360 and PS3. I don't need a handheld system. When I want to play serious games, I turn on my console systems. When I want to take a shit or am on the subway (sometimes at the same time, don't judge me), I whip out Fragger or Cut the Rope on my iPhone.

Apple almost bought Nintendo back in 2006 according to rumors. This was well before iPhone gaming took off or was even a thing.

There are a million games on the iPhone app store, and a majority of them are crap and copycats. Yet, looking at the top 20 paid apps on that store right now, 15 are games. This is top 10 of ALL apps, by the way. Top 20 grossing apps? 19 are games. The one that isn't is a navigation app. EA just bought Chillingo, who