Those that think the PlayStation Vita is the only other imminent platform that concerns Nintendo are missing the bigger picture.
Those that think the PlayStation Vita is the only other imminent platform that concerns Nintendo are missing the bigger picture.
The problem is, like the Wii, most games out so far (really, anything other than first-party games) don't make proper use of the feature. So you end up having a lot of games look gimmicky for tacking on 3D.
The best part is around the 308:49 mark.
I hope they make the same deals Spotify did. Hell, $30 a year AND completely legitimate? I'll be a member for life.
To be fair, Clark has to act like a loser to protect his identity. Not many women are going to be attracted to some dude that keeps running off whenever there's danger around. Especially not a fellow reporter.
The problem I actually have with this is that it's not a reboot - it's a relaunch with a few story tweaks. That is disappointing because here I was trying to get back into DC comics, but I didn't want to have to play catch-up with all the Brightest Day, Infinite Crisis, Flashpoint, etc... stuff that's happened. I was…
I was an early VIP member for Grooveshark, and when they upgraded their plans, I got to keep my ~$30/year membership (comparable to the "Anywhere" membership they currently offer at $108/year). So Grooveshark is a no-brainer for me, especially with a jailbroken iPhone.
That's the first thing I thought too - why does THIS Steve look so damn dapper, while the one that's around today seems to wear the same thing everyday? I can kinda picture his huge walk-in closet filled with black turtlenecks, light denim, and worn-in New Balance sneakers from wall to wall.
Exactly - I was trying to share this article on Google+, but couldn't find Gizmodo's button... oh well, guess I'll just go back to making (what I think are) insightful comments about the nature of social networks.
Yes, this. Also you get 3 tower bux the first time you put them in their dream job. Tower bux can be converted into coins that you can spend to restock stuff or buy floors, or you can use them to buy faster elevators.
I think it's probably the level of pet dander and/or shedding. Basically what I think this study is trying to say is that the fur on the dogs themselves is not hypoallergenic.
Or have alcohol/tobacco items in a separate checkout. No biggie.
So don't.
Same (also a Corgi owner). Also, Chows are generally one of the breeds restricted from most apartment complexes. They are said to be aggressive and very protective.
I can't seem to find these in the online store. Can someone link to them directly?
Yes, I'm sure that iBuyPower laptop is just going to last you a very long time. Same with its battery.
I actually thought this apology was worded correctly. He didn't say something like "I'm sorry people took this the wrong way" or "I'm sorry people are offended/hurt," but rather he recognized that his comments were offensive and hurtful and that HE has made a mistake.
Seriously. They're not that expensive if you know where to look (eBay), and you can slip them in or take them out at any point. Slip them in when you're out in public (they provide great anti-glare too!), and take them out when you're in the privacy of your own home.
Yeah I have a borderline obsessive crush on a girl I've been good friends with for the past 5 years. Last weekend we were somehow at the same club (and I'm always reminded why I hate clubs), and I saw her drunkenly making out with another guy. Worst feeling in the world.