
I'm convinced hearing about your crush's crush (when it's obviously not you) might actually bring upon the worst feeling in the world.

The picture is appropriate because he's wearing Oakleys and only douches wear those.

Yeah seriously, if that was all the article/column was about, it would have been ok.

I actually think we'll get both an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4S (or a slight redesign, anyway) this September. The 4S will become a budget $99 phone replacing the 3GS. I'm sure they'll have slight tweaks like fixing the death-grip issue as well as maybe bumping up some internal specs.

Instead of insulting you with a 200mb plan, they're insulting you by charging the same price for the 2GB plan that they did for the unlimited one. At least AT&T dropped the price by $5.

If you are a fangirl, go see the movie. This is a movie for us DC fans, and not the general public. It's like the big-budget version of Scott Pilgrim.

They should really give away iWork in addition to $100 to spend in the Mac App Store. That would make it at least close to the value of getting an iPod Touch.

Ah, missed that. Thanks for pointing that out!

What vines have been cleared away? I haven't read DC comics in quite a few years, and this does not seem like the complete reboot I was hoping for. This is not Ultimate DC, this just seems like a slight modification. The whole thing with the different colored Corps is still there, a lot of the characters are still

I think they'll retire the iPod Classic and just rename the iPod Touch as "iPod." So you have iPhone, iPod, and iPad, all touch devices.

What about the biggest one - turn-by-turn voice?

This is going to happen sooner or later, anyway. They just need to get together and have a beer or something.

While I agree with you, he does have a point. How difficult would it be to do that? I mean, the Calendar app already shows the correct day & date.

I, like the rest of us proud Americans, desperately await the arrival of the middle-finger Emoji.

This. I've never needed to scan a QR code, like ever. Besides, like Flash, that whole thing needs to die. Not having one native is a good thing.

Mine was called a Nomad.

As seems to be my role whenever the topic of baldness comes up on Jezebel, I once again have to remind people: