
"I want to be able to lift my freeweights without skitchy body builders looking at me like I'm the stupidest person alive"

Fact: While reading this article, I thought about sex every seven seconds. Especially when I came across the word.

I never said it was an appearance thing. It's a health thing. I was speaking about the larger misconception that exercise is the solution to leading a healthier lifestyle, when it is just part of the solution.

Ignoring the inconsistencies in this study that other commentators have already pointed out, this study is about exercise. Exercise is not the whole deal, what you put into your body plays a bigger role in losing weight and being healthy. Sure you can work out for 2 hours a day, but if your post-workout meal is a Big

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Unless this happens. Notice the announcers saying "she has to say yes!"

I have gotten Live memberships for $30. You have to wait for certain discounts and deals, but you could buy a $30 card a few times and be set for a LONG time.

Same here. It also requires doing your research and being smart about it. I spend less in a week on meals that I make myself (or buy from places like Trader Joe's) than I would eating out every meal, and that includes fast food.

As a straight guy, I don't expect anything out of my (future) significant other that I wouldn't expect out of myself. That includes eating habits, exercise, weight, and hell, even shaved legs.

You're expecting wayyyy too much from the National Enquirer.

I wonder if that's all it would take to make Nintendo not sue them. Change the Mario and enemy sprites, change the music, but leave level design and elements the same. Does Nintendo have ownership of those elements?

And you're what? A Nintendo troll fanboy? But either way, you have me confused with someone else. I think the PSP2 could be a major loser in the long run too (Sony fails harder than Nintendo when it comes to pricing their products properly), but at least Sony is positioning it as the core gamer's portable system.

You're right, games isn't the sole reason parents buy iOS devices, and there lies the beauty of such a device. It's multipurpose. You buy a kid an iPod Touch and you don't have to buy him an mp3 player on top of that. You don't have to worry about entertaining him/her on a long trip with a portable DVD player, because

When the iPod Touch first came out, the DS and it were competing in a different market entirely. The App Store wasn't fleshed out with enough games, and people certainly didn't equate the portable music player with gaming. Things are quite different now, with games making the most money on the App Store, and the

Anyone who thinks the massive popularity of the iOS and Android devices out there isn't to blame for this is a moron. Including Nintendo.

I don't agree with this attitude of "you don't pay for it, so they don't owe you." Yes, I did pay for it. When I bought a PS3, free online play was part of the agreement. It was part of the reason I paid such a high premium when the console cost so damn much, because hey, atleast I'm not dropping another $50-80 for

I don't agree with this attitude of "you don't pay for it, so they don't owe you." Yes, I did pay for it. When I bought a PS3, free online play was part of the agreement. It was part of the reason I payed such a high premium when the console cost so damn much, because hey, atleast I'm not dropping another $50-80 on

I'd place it at $300, with the $250 3DS seeing a price drop to $150 around the same time (it'll probably hit $200 this holiday season). The Wii might actually drop under $150. It's already selling at $169 at a lot of places online.

You should definitely make a show out of this now that Glenn Beck will be out of a job.

It looks TOO much like it. If I was Junecloud, I would look into legal action.

Have you not been here for a very long time? Remember when "Antenna-gate" was overblown and made into a big thing even though a lot of Android phones suffer the same problems?