
Alright, I'm just gonna say it: I will miss American Apparel when it's gone. And I'm talking about the clothes. No, I'm not a hipster (though I might just be one because I denied it), but it's hard finding clothes that fit a wide variety of body sizes. I'm a guy with a 28-29 (not vanity sized) inch waist size and a 30

I think that's part of his appeal. He's supposed to be annoying.

Sorry, but I have used Windows since 3.1x. Vista was the breaking point for me.

This is great for Mac users that have to occasionally suffer through Windows 7 (yes, it's not as bad as Vista, but still not my preferred OS) to get something done.

Yeah, 7GB isn't enough for me since I pool several of my different e-mail accounts from various places (school, work, etc) into my Gmail account, so I had to upgrade to the 20GB plan. It's $5 a year, which isn't ridiculous (which is why I'm paying it), but it seems silly compared to other services that have since gone

Yep, everyone else is left following their lead...

I believe this rumor because it falls roughly in line with how Nintendo has been releasing their consoles.

Due? MS said last year that the launch of the Kinect marks the half-point in the 360's life cycle. Sony said something similar about Move. Considering the 360 was launched in 2005, it'll be 2015 before we see the next Xbox.

It's because Microsoft is usually VERY late to the show. I'm not going to say Apple invented everything, but they usually make pretty great products early on. Take the iPad as a recent example, and now take this store/marketplace idea.

I just tried ordering one and it said they couldn't send it to me because I live in Maryland.

I agree to a point, but don't know how any club can possibly enforce the rules. Go up to the guy and handcuff his dick? Have a bouncer drag the guy out naked? Tell the guy, "Sir, this is a private moment these two are sharing in a public place. You can't watch."

"I'm cheating with my penis, not my heart, honey."

I like it as well. But it leaves me pondering: is an "asstree" a tree growing out of an ass, or a tree with asses in place of fruit?

Dogs & pie. How American, right?

I own a Corgi, and I let loose the dogs of war on several Corgi websites by telling them to mobilize and vote.

Ah, yes, getting into an Ivy League college.

Today, you vote for loyalty. You vote for everytime you cringed when people said the words "crazy cat lady." You vote for long, calm walks through the park alongside a furry butt. You vote for cold noses. You vote for warm bellies. You vote for sad looks whenever you leave and warm greetings whenever you return.

Vote this.

One of my friends (more like an acquaintance, but whatever) recently went to India, and she summed up her feelings in a very thought-provoking blog post. It can be found here: [t.co] . I think she echoes your sentiments.