
This week…
Jessica Jones #11: I really lIke good Bendis, and this issue I thought was better than the last couple which have slowed a bit with this endless shield, LMD, covert meetings, etc. Plus a rare sighting of the great Javier Pulido. Anyone know what he's been up to since She Hulk? I haven't seen him in a while

That's rough, buddy.

Late reply, but although I think the portrayal of Harry up to that point in USM was often muddy and underdeveloped, the arc where Harry dies, and subsequently Norman, was one of my faves.

Oh interesting. Sorry I just read fraction and aja's run like two weeks ago so I thought I knew exactly what you were talking about.

That was Aja, at least if you're thinking of the letters pages. They were very eclectic… particularly compared to the different tones of the issues. It was fun to see him going through different phases.

Kingpin is still a Spidey villain to me dammit!

I like Twin Peaks, I like it for these things, but a lot of people find it too weird for whatever reason, more so than they did when it started and it was huge, before people fell off with season 2. I don't think it has the same impact on people watching it for the first time now as it did when the pilot aired. Can we

The dialogue is melodramatic and stilted, the cast is huge and the tone is completely unique. These are also the things that make Twin Peaks and its pilot great, but they can be off putting at first.

Twin Peaks is a hard show to 'get'. I can appreciate the show and see how good that first season is now I'm now on season two more than I could when I was watching it. And not just in a setting stuff up way, in an actually understanding the success of it way. But that's a big commitment and you're older than me and

I hadn't heard that about the adaptation. Ducks.
Edit: I meant sucks but i'm gonna leave that there cos it looks funny.

I kinda wish she was. Would spice it up a bit.

I'm a little contrarian on that, I think the mistakes made in book 1 the show never fully recovered from (namely a very week TEENAGE cast, I always felt the main characters on that show were the least defined). I dunno, it was cool and flashy and I liked it at the time, and like everything Avatar there was nothing

I just looked it up. I'm interested you say a fantastic central performance, have you ever watched the Legend of Korra? Henry Rollins played a big bad one season, and the character was great but he was awkward. It sounded like a dub, while the other actors on the show always fitted.

Maybe. But I feel generally collaboration is best between creatives (like Lucas and the people/s who left after Empire that I don't have my head around Star Wars well enough to know the names of) not between studios, whose micromanagement often results in clumsy and bland film making. Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of

That's true. Maybe those people should just be given creative freedom and not hired again if it doesn't turn out well, instead of thinking Tim Burton is a hip choice for Alice in Wonderland in 2010. That's ideal in most scenarios though, and not really practical anyway. I'm just thinking aloud I guess. Just conjures a

There's two artists, Nicola Scott on the cover and first story and Stephanie Hans on the second story in the snow

Would be interesting to compare, Miller's Daredevil with Perez's Wonder Woman as reinventions of the character, each seen as highly and not very successful depending on who you ask. Obviously they're different tonally and very different stages in their respective careers but still…

That's so sad. I feel like once you get a certain age everyone should just fuck off and let you completely ascend or go completely crazy or whatever on screen. Honestly how do you manage to deal with studio execs as Ridley Scott on your, what 15th? 20th? 30th feature film?

I've been reading George Perez's Wonder Woman which the first issue of blew me away. I'm about four in I think and it's slowed a bit, but I'm interested in reading a lot more of this. What do we think of this run? I know Perez drops off art about halfway, does that affect it? I can't help but notice DC released some

It would have been Scott's choice right? Disclaimer, I haven't seen Prometheus or Covenant, but Scott must be reacting to negative reaction because if Ridley Scott really wanted to make Prometheus 2, well, he's Ridley Scott