
I just looked up cyberwoman, which I’ve never seen, and it was written by... Oh Chris chibnall. Failing upwards

So... What was the deal with the cop? I thought he’d been fired but my mum was confused and I don’t know if it was ever stated outright?

The long sequence of the Doctor giving exposition (as the Doctor is admittedly wont to do) during that drive, as the camera keeps on cutting to show Elon Musk’s truck aimlessly driving through a field of pure grey felt particularly like watching paint dry.

and yet we did...

The dregs and the whole episode really looked shit I thought. The sets, monsters, costumes, all of it. I mean it was meant to barren, but I can’t think of a less visually inspired NuWho episode (although I’m sure someone can prove me wrong).

How so? Surely moffat had mediocre under siege episodes as well, although I'm assuming I don't remember them because they were mediocre.

I actually liked this for the first third or half maybe even, though I found granny pretty irritating. Felt closer to quote unquote Doctor Who than most of chibnall era. But wow did they tie none of that together, or in the least interesting way possible. By the end I was sitting with Caroline.

Honestly I thought the article would mention this or one of the Cyclops vs. Wolverine stories and I think it’d be a good fit. They’re mostly, AvX included, poorly done, sure, but I think it’d give Cyclops something to do, with Wolverine kinda retired by the Logan movie and oversaturation. IMO they didn’t know what to

oops, did not see this until now. That’s interesting you’ve seen that change firsthand, or at least secondhand. And good also, despite the motives. It’s weird because Cordelia was, at least on Buffy if not Angel, always one of my faves just because I found her compelling I guess, so I’m apprehensive about changes. She

A lot of what you say makes sense, but do you think overt bullying is really less popular now? It’s talked about more maybe, but still, I’m not really convinced.

If I didn’t know Karolina’s powers from the comics I’d think I’d be confused that she can shoot stuff and knows how to without doing it before (she hasn’t right

It could just not be for you anymore but from my last re-read I though the series improved after the first arc (6 issues?). The plot and characters felt less predictable, just overall a lot tighte.

I like the Marvel Now Daredevil/Hawkeye copy stuff… I just wish the talent was a bit more remarkable. There are definitely some good ones though. Mockingbird… okay I'm blanking on more but there's a couple I've been into I think. There are definitely some bad ones but if you're going to competently emulate a formula,

Yeah I liked the art and the story was… probably competent but I was just not enjoying it.

It's hard to tell where the series is going, there's no clear hook like say Vision, but the first issue, to me, definitely about what you're looking for. Other things as well, but… well, it's really hard to talk about until you just read it. Afterwards though, if you're interested you should look up what Tom King has

All my high school English teachers under 35 really like Harry Potter so I see where you'from coming from.

Really tho? Seems like a lot of the TV (American at least) from the 80s for adults was not very challenging at all. Now adult can be challenging, and I think kids TV has grown in that respect as well. Yeah its probably more acceptable now for adults to watch CN or read superhero comics but I find Adventure Time more

At the end of Ultimate End. I think this is kind of because Bendis saw his Ultimate Spider-Man books as one long story and the center of the ultimate universe so it made sense to end Ultimate End there? But anyway, it's not very novel. There's a blinding white light and then Miles' mum wakes him up and he's slept in

I'm glad someone else is enjoying, I think I'd seen nothing about it since the announcement. I've never read much X-Men (I have heard good things about Aaron's) so I didn't even have any attachment to the characters or relationships. Except Kitty cos she's my fav.

I had not read much Rucka or any Punisher but I loved the Rucka run. I don't think I would have cared if Rachel was like other characters he'd done before because she works so well as an extension and reflection of Frank. I loved reading their relationship and her Punisher develop. Like I read it in less than a week,