
I'll always like Stallone for Rocky and I liked his performance in Creed recently. You see that one?

How is the that road to war of kings omnibus? I've been thinking of picking up those three omnibus but I'm not sure.

I'm here with you. I thought each one of this series has been better than the last, but this one didn't click for me. I guess I thought it did a few too many things only at a surface level? It just never came together for me. I felt it could have been a fun adventure story, but it tried a few too many things that

It's funny, I remember reading an interview from Brubaker where he said the same thing.
'What happened was I was planning out the next arc, around the time I was starting Lady Bullseye, and I knew we'd be building towards a big "oh shit" moment at the end of “Return of the King,” in Daredevil #500, and I just kind of

In case it wasn't clear, I'm talking about O'Neil's Question. As well as people in these comments recently raving about it, a large part of my interest comes from Rucka, a writer I've recently gotten into big, who mentions this everywhere and seems to have based a lot of his career around it.

I'd never heard of Nyugen and really liked the atmospheric promo art. I don't remember the interiors leaving much of an impact but I was reading digital which I find affects my appreciation for the art.

Yep. I feel bad for not thinking it's the best thing ever like everyone else seems to, but I'm into it. I got a couple of trips coming up and I was thinking I might need a long run to read.

I think Oliver genuinely loves superhero books. I don't always agree with him, don't even like his writing most of the time but I get over it. More than that, I like the 'twee indie shit' cos it exposes me to stuff I normally wouldn't see and I've enjoyed a lot of his recommendations. He seems more comfortable writing

Black Monday Murders 1-3: This is mostly my first Hickman and… Eh? It's well written but is it going to evolve the elevator pitch? I get it, rich people are rich and elite and evil and live in a different world to us. Is that it? It seems to be a bunch of mythologising but I hope Hickman is sa cleve sa he thinks he is

I thought Descender was decent but I fell behind early on and figured I'd never give it another shot. You just convinced me to try again.

I know you'll probably never see this as I'm just a bit late but… what the fuck?

I know you'll probably never see this as I'm just a bit late but… what the fuck?

Heh, until you brought it up I'd honestly forgotten about the powers. I see what you mean.

I'm not sure Miles Morales worked for me at Ultimate eithwr. Did he for you? Legacy charactes are cool I guess, as is diversity, but Ultimate Pete's cast was so large and developed and Miles' was so small and I found him to be undefined. I dunno, the book I love ended with Death of Spider-Man. The little bits of his

Is it weird I kind of like the Ultimate Clone Saga? It's just so crazy, but condensed (compared to the original, it is Bendis after all). Surely we can agree Ultimate Jessica Drew was worthwile creation? At least until she went all SHIELD which is so not Parker even though that was kind of the point but bleh. I do

Heh, your commitment is impressive. I'm only Jewish when it's convenient.

I really doubt there's anything more. If you read his post he has heaps of other stuff and he explicitly makes a point that there is no other reason. I mean if he is lying where's tne motive? He could have just said nothing. This is the same Greg Rucka who (only about 5 years ago?) totally aired his dirty laundry in

Just wanted to pop in to say in the season premiere there was no case of the week and no visions. Also, in the opening they removed the 'Visions' caption (probably to make room for 'The Best Friend'). Is the show maybe moving away from the case of the week formula and into a more serialised plot? It seemed that way to

I like that page too, I think it's a very Bendis, very good page. But the art runs so contrary to the words it's disconcerting. Do you think they actively avoid hiring young Jewish creators? I know there's still some Jewish people in comics.