
And Romita the Italian… My theory is falling apart.

Frankly considering the artistic foundations of the universe (Jewish writers and artists) it's best to assume they're all Jewish unless stated otherwise. Particulariy Spidey. It's my theory.

Makes me pretty sad actually. I love Stuart Immonen but I read a lot of comics, but I'm a little sick of artists, even artists I love, changing hair, particularly women's hair I think, to however they draw hair or women's hair. It's particularly problematic as it can be a part of ethnic identity, so it's not only

Arguable since although Ben's the older character, I don't think he's been canon Jewish for as long, no?

It's one of those things I hope someone 20 years from now winks towards for fun. Comics are good like that.

I'm big into having as many oversized or omnibuses and as few paperbacks as possible. Maybe it's a little silly, I just like to feel I'm getting the best and more durable version of the comic. And it seems there's some sort of hardcover for every one of his noir/indie works (Sleeper, Velvet, Scene of the Crime,

Kill or be Killed is the first Brubaker I've read and I'm into it.

Made only better by still one of my favourite moments of the series (paraphrasing):
"How's your swing?"
"Eh, been better."

I can't tell if this is sarcasm because some people did not like avengers arena.

What do you usually do for passover?

Yeah this is probably true. I keep on reading articles like this and having second thoughts though. I like a lot of the elements too: I like stories in the high school setting, I liked visual novels like 999 and Phoenix Wright which feel related in the sense of Japanese video game storytelling, I really liked

It's more about whether I'll enjoy it.

Mmmmm, 3 Portable kind of bored me so once I beat it I started 4 and couldn't convince myself to get very far. But they just look so cool. Should I try 5? I like that it has dual audio. I'd like to give 4 another shot sometime hut I just got bored by 3.

In the third one on the PSP you could be pretty gay, but you were a girl there and she was a robot. Maybe there are different cultural ideas abot robot lesbians than just plain old gays.

Yeah I didn't get a feel for the character either which really bothered me. I also didn't care about that robot villain and was disappointed when that plot was stretched over his whole run which just made me care about that villain less. But Moore's a good enough writer and Davis a good enough artist I found the

This is going to show how young I am, but for me it's probably just before Marvel NOW! to around 2014/2015 maybe? I'd read comics peripherally before that, random stuff at the library, but this was when I started paying attention and buying comics when they came out.

How far are you into Captain Britain? I recently got the omnibus from the library and having read all the stuff written by Dave Thorpe and then Moore I'm not sure what to think.

Yeah I agree about Liu's run. There were a few good issues in the second half but overall I wasn't too into it. I couldn't get into Monstress, her Image book, either, despite all the praise. Have you tried Avengers Academy or Arena though? Those are both really good books and she plays a pretty big role in both I

I know it's a late response, but I quite like X-23 too. Have you tried Marjorie Liu's run? I wasn't sure about that one. I really liked when she appeared in the second half of Avengers Academy though, and I've liked her in what I've read of Avengers Arena. I'm glad All-New Wolverine is fun, I'm looking forward to that.

Why is this not a great job internet.