
Who's replacing him?

Haha, sorry, I wasn't trying to be pedantic, it's just if it was Romita Jr. that sounded very interesting!

Teens already have a mopier groundhog day: high school

Did Romita Jr. ever work with Lee? Or did you mean Sr.?


I find the first two Singer films to be quite stilted and very early 2000s superhero movies, unsurprisingly. But I think X2 still holds up because it's perhaps the only X-Men movie where the movie doesn't fall apart because it gets too expansive and loses sight of some important aspect. I think often those movies just

Really? I haven't read Slott's Spidey for a while, but it seems like they're expanding the line with Zdarsky's new book and the Peter David Ben Reily book around the same time as Slott is doing a big confrontation with Norman Osborn, Spidey's biggest villain, featuring Stuart Immonen, a fairly high profile artist.

Just had to say that I love of Moore's Swamp Thing. It's one of the things I always try to get newbies to read. The premise is so weird and creepy in its concept alone that it grabs you straight away. The series is so self-contained with occasional references to the universe. Constantly expanding and creating its own

I just read the whole run of Avengers Academy which was a slow burn but I ended up really enjoying it. Definitely some characters were not so great (Veil) but the rest of the cast developed really nicely. And I liked the less integral but still occasionally important supporting cast. Gage writes a great Quicksilver.

Agreed. I liked what he was saying in the interview. I think we're going to see an end to Dan Slott's run soon, between this, the new Peter David Spidey and I think Spidey facing off against Osborn in Slott's soonish. Seems a bit too convenient.

RIP Ultimate Kitty Pryde. If Bendis brought back most of those ultimates (Bombshell and Spider-Woman are good, Kitty Pryde are great, Cloak and Dagger are fine) I'd be so happy.

Hey that wasn't bad! It's a bit more fan-ficy than the show's voice (not just the subject matter) but the show sometimes needed a bit of an imagination for its voice anyway so that's forgiveable. I'd like to see him to an Iroh (my profile pic) strip. Thanks for that!

Is that a Legends of the Galactic Heroes reference st the end there? Because if so, wow, that is a strange mix of sci-fi properties. Also I lost track of the time and got here a little late. So what?

Out of curiosity where are you up to? That's kinda what I want: the book to be fun.

I too have been reading ostrander's Suicide Squad and have not been having much fun. I'm going to try and stick with it for a bit. I hear the run redefines it's formula a couple times so maybe that'll fix it for me. At this rate though, I'll be surprised if I make it that far.
EDIT: Also I appreciate the effort but as

Details? I've only read the first four issues so I'm still willing to be swayed.

What do you think of Suicide Squad? I've read a few issues of it recently and I get the appeal but it just doesn't do much for me. I think it's the military feel of the book doesn't interest me and stops it from being fun to me.

Immonen's work on Ultimate Spider-Man was my introduction to comics and it holds a special place in my heart. I am forever grateful to Immonen and Fan Favourite Brian Michael Bendis for those issues. I've also read all of Ultimate Spider-Man since, and I think when Immonen came on board it really rejuvenated the

Exactly. It was like I had to force myself to laugh. I think when I'm controlling the timing I have to have some kind of emotional attachment or it doesn't work for me.

I read it a few months ago and couldn't get into it. It was funny, and I love Immonen, but it was just a chore somehow. I guess I need some sort of emotional attachment to characters to have fun? It seems like the kind of thing I could appreciate if it wasn't a comic. I'm weird like that, I think it was something to