My wife is constantly taking videos in portrait mode. I'm thinking of filing for divorce under irreconcilable differences.
My wife is constantly taking videos in portrait mode. I'm thinking of filing for divorce under irreconcilable differences.
I think we need a “Just say no!” style campaign to end portrait mode videos.
Just what in the hell is a sleeper? It’s the unassuming grocery-getter that can blow the doors off your V8…
The magical decade known as the 1990s was a great time for car buyers. Manufacturers were throwing out every zany,…
On the other end of the spectrum, I enjoy the ones like this that say “0.0"
Sanders supporters probably don’t own cars.
The video is bonkers and is currently at 2,585,229 views on Facebook.
I am a huge fan of the Nissan Maxima. It was my first car and the platform I cut my modding teeth on to become the…
So, you’re saying they had a ‘blinkered’ approach to the execution of this marvelous feature?
Type “Sanders protests,” or “Trump protests,” or “Sanders violence” on Google like any other 3 year old could with common sense and look through the crazy amount results. The only reason I’m not listing them is there’s too many. They’re all started by the left.
It's Gawker, so...
Resident status? Here illegally are we?
My great country called the U.S.A.
I’m loving the obviously defensive hate comments. Keep it coming. You know it’s true and exactly what I mean.
Aaaand that’s only a small fraction of what a Sanders supporter would have done if he/she saw it was someone openly supporting Trump. Not looking at things the other way around are we? I can sit here all day and show instances where the violence and hostility is caused more by Sanders supporters unable to control…
I actually sold one car I owned and loved because of the kind of people who owned them. My WRX attracted only the wrong kind of attention. The community was toxic. Nobody worked on their own cars - you always had to bring them to the “tuner”.
Strangely, I’m much less likely to get upset if it’s a cool car driving like an asshole. If it were a Nissan Altima driving like that, I’d go on a rant.