
Clashes between trump supporters and anti Trump protestors?

*reads headline*

Anything else snowflake?

It was only chaotic after the rally when a bunch of “protesters” with mexican flags started smashing peoples cars, cop cars, driving down wrong side of road. Screaming that us wanting to protect our borders is racist. Other than that it was a very peaceful gathering.

“...protesters mixed with Trump supporters...”

sadly when it comes to leftist protests the police do nothing. See BLM movements as they shut down expressways, malls, airports.....anything they want without a police officer doing anything

Those were anti-Trump protesters. You won’t see pro-trump supporters closing intersections and acting so rowdy, you will only see anti-trump protesters doing that.

Those were anti-trump protesters (aka people protesting against trump). Trump supporters tend to be a lot more level headed than anti-Trump protesters, and you won’t see Trump supporters blatantly breaking the law by doing doughnuts in the middle of an intersection.

The anti-Trump protesters started it as usual. Why else would they be there? They’re only there to stir shit up.

Those were a bunch of liberal d-bag protestors. Who I can only assume you relate to.

Trump rally. Where anti trump protesters started all the violence.

No one in that crowd was pro-tump, those were the liberal tards in full force that night. They also destroyed city property.

Fuck you! Nic is right.

It's not about them running. It's their criminal records at such a young age. The world lost nothing with their deaths.

“Deputies went to the home of Kristine Hayes, Miller’s grandmother, who had legal guardianship of the teen, on the morning of March 31. Upon hearing what had happened, Hayes was “extremely emotional and visibly shaken,” investigative documents say.

And, bingo. All aboard the nope train.

It's relevant when a family is trying to smear the police department and their deaths were in the commission of a crime.

Want to bring up to everyone that this is in Florida, in a murky pond, at night, right after a big water-disturbing commotion.