"Horsepower sells. Torque wins races."
"Horsepower sells. Torque wins races."
H/T to Tiny Toy Viper!
I actually saw a real Blackwood in the wild. Rt 46A in Lake Mary, FL in 2010. It was my first and only sighting, as well as the moment I realized there was such a truck. Remarkably, they actually look a lot better in person.
H/T to Tiny Toy Viper!
Unless your clutch isn't hydraulically assisted. Drive like that for long enough in an area with frequent heavy traffic, and your left butt cheek will end up bigger than the right!
As someone with a 9-3 convertible, I know that feel. It's as rigid as a week-old salad.
Ahh, Midtown Madness. A game that I... unfortunately never played.
H/T to Conor Nevins!
Holy cow, it's David Byrne!
Thank you, sir.
With all the storms in the midwest lately, this video could be from OK. Maybe these guys are just finishing what Mother Nature started. Just speculation.
Patrick George is right, I didn't write my original post for front page publishing like I did with my "Pretty Cars" article. I just posted it for us opponauts.