
This. This is the single most significant advantage an AI pilot would provide in air combat over a human. The decisions it makes and predicts are an advantage. The maneuvers it can execute that a human pilot is incapable of performing give it an unbeatable edge.

With jets, a lot of the most important secrets are in the metalurgy, not so much the actual design. That’s why when the Soviets were given plans for the Whittle jet engine and a tour of the plant, they wore shoes with sticky soles to pick up some shavings.

That would definitely be the smart way to do it. Fake scramjet plans would of worked quite nicely.

Given how far behind China is on engines, I’m not even sure she would know if she had good info. DOD should have slipped her some bogus drawings and let the Chinese wast time and money to figure out they got duped.

I just imagine her hanging around outside Air Force bases like kids trying to by alcohol “Hey man, you going to work on F-35s? You think you could maybe hook me up with an extra engine?”

I don’t think she thought out steps 1-3 as well as you have.

There would be no need to export PHYSICAL engines - CAD models would do well enough...

WTF did her plan look like?

As a first person source, I can assure you it’s not even remotely possible.

But that’s just because its a high speed. Not because 88mph = 141KMH.

88 is a high speed anywhere on the planet, and would get you pulled over on pretty much any road in any government. With a few exceptions.

In Japan, most of our roads are 40 or 50 KMH. So for Japan, you’re going like three times the speed limit.

You do the old 180 and you spin yourself around, you just killed a crowd

Weird, I don’t see a crowd of people nearby. They all must be under the Mustang.

Man, I miss Tyler actually understanding what he was writing about…

Man, I miss staying up late on Saturday watching Wings on Discovery Channel...

Comes down to price Andrew.

...I never thought of it that way, but that’s a good point. I also thought about it becoming driving as a service, in that you can’t own the car. I can imagine an episode of Black Mirror where a “driver’s” identity gets stolen while he’s on the middle of a trip, and the car literally stops in the middle of the highway

I’m opposed to the self-driving car simply because it’s design would necessitate the ability of law enforcement to have override control of your vehicle at any moment for any reason, and thus that ability can be exploited by others.

Because in the movie, the quote comes after Cruise’s car was slammed from the rear.

Why do people keep repeating that stupid phrase?