Well this is in AZ
Well this is in AZ
I can't help but think that he's being an agent provocateur here. See: Toronto Riots
Can scandal absolutely created this aircraft that was never made before by any other company in the world.
You pulled a George Wallace right there.
I saw several typos within this article. Come on, man. This Isn't homepage gawker, this is lanesplitter
I can vouch, Google classroom is awesome
Well I’m no expert on this, but I’m sure they placed the ball in from the inside, and the hole in the cone/tip is just large enough to let I slip through, then they but a blocker at the back so it doesn't slip out of placeand ink stuff and the roller for moving the ball forward. Just a guess though, I don't know if…
I get it, good article, but this isn’t buzzfeed, if you want to make lists I think you should go to buzzfeed and ask if they have any positions. (My father hit me with lists when I was a kid so I hate them now)
“Nissan also felt it important to point “ bzzzzz that's not right.. Is it?
So you saw headline, thought “this oughta be good!” Then you commented, without even knowing what the article was even about. Fits the Samsung description.
It's older than writing, like 2011, surprised if finally been posted.
All he did was ask an innocent question. I'm going to call you the the less intelligent one here, by judging you, like you judged him.
Thanks for the warning, Chris.