
Dealers will order ONE, and print the VIN in small print underneath the picture and big price number on the ad. Once it sells, that’s it for the quarter, and customers that come in to ask about it will be shown an optioned up alternative for only $50 a month more, or given the choice of waiting 6 months for another

Does this mean we'll soon be able to buy a RWD 6 passenger sedan with a straight 6, 3 on the tree, dog dish hubcaps, vinyl bench seats, rubber floor mats, no radio or A/c, and manual everything for $15,000?

Cassette players went out with the Lexus SC like 8-9 years ago, CD players are already nearly extinct - my last two cars didn't come with one.

Some of it was justified - the show did seem to get into a repetitive arc the first few seasons - find a creative new application for Richard’s algorithm, raise money, taste success, screw it up and wind up back where they started. It was after his departure when they finally started to break out of that. Of course,

Automakers do that a lot. Make cloth seats feel cheap and scratchy so people upgrade to leather, blank off switch and fog light openings with black plastic so people buy extra options.

Giant wheels have always seemed to be like a lazy way for designers to add visual interest without spending a lot of time working with the sheet metal down the sides, or without the manufacturer having to offer interesting color options.

Id rather have a bumper designed in such a way that no damage occurs to either itself or the body in a low speed impact

The first movie made $51 million in 1969 on its original release, that’s like $379 million today, and you know it wasn’t crazy expensive to produce.

Yep, over $2 billion (inflation adjusted) from 1969-2004, just at the box office. Plus one direct-to-video movie, home video, streaming, merchandising, other appearances. Herbie has been a money making machine for Disney

If they ended the bumper at the bottom of the tail lights as a straight line across the back, it wouldnt be an issue. What's going on is the result of "bumper creep" where more and more of the back end of the car and quarter panels is composed of the one-piece plastic bumper unit.

Now I understand what he meant by his whole “have patience, we’re in this for the long haul to win” speech to the Tesla board was about. I thought he brought that live tortoise into the office just for the hell of it. 

It isn’t a scorpion pit, its a room with spike-studded walls that move slowly inward toward each other on hidden tracks. Not sure how the scorpion rumor got started. 

Really, we, the car enthusiast community that forms their theoretical audience, are the ones who already killed these magazines years ago. TEN is just filling out the death certificate to make it official.

Or stains your upholstery 

I might pay $3800 to not have to drive that 

Weirdos. Like that one random white kid on every college campus in the middle of winter.

Looks like an Accord Coupe to me

Or themselves, apparently. The guy I was with wore shorts in 40° weather

They were bought out by Joyson Safety Systems a few years ago, but Takata Corporation still legally exists as a subsidiary of Joyson, mainly to handle remaining legal issues like this.

1st generation airbags from the 1970s were tested decades later after harsh usage and storage conditions and found to function perfectly with no degradation. Although a manufacturer wouldn't want to officially warranty an airbag for 20-30 years, due to the liability of what would happen in the off chance one didn't