
The white New Balance and jorts crowd are exactly the ones who would buy a Corvette SUV. Easier to get in and out of, and they can fit extra stuff in there when they tow it behind a motorhome.

As did I, and the driver refused to close the doors because it slowed him down

United Parcel Service of America, even though they operate worldwide, including packages that never touch the western hemisphere.

If you must go there, you pretty much have to order something flavored, like a mocha or a latte. The flavoring syrup helps cover up the burned taste from the pot that’s been left sitting out for 6 hours. 

Or a boomer’s parent

I’m at least 12 years younger than you, and somehow my high school experience was shockingly similar. I had a 1971 Super Beetle as my first car, and a large number of my friends were driving hand-me-down K-cars, mainly of the Reliant and Aries sedan variety, with some early minivans in there.

Honda shifted their market segments over the years, though. The Civic started out as a subcompact (basically where the Fit is now), then moved up to a compact (to take the Accord’s original place), while the Accord started as a compact, then moved up to a midsize, then up once more to a full-size for the 8th

I’ve always wondered about that, and I think it comes down to different design considerations. Its possible that architects and builders used to think of a garage as simply a place to put the car when the car wasn’t being driven. If the whole family had to get in for a trip, dad backed the car into the driveway and

Full-size trucks are bigger mainly because of 4-door cabs. If you compare a single cab short bed pickup of today vs. a single cab short bed pickup of 20-30 years ago, the length and wheelbase dimensions would be pretty similar. Modern trucks are a lot taller though, thanks to giant wheels and the fact that most buyers

The Fiesta is a subcompact, one size class below the Valiant. However, it is still pretty big. Compared to the last compact car Fiat Chrysler sold in America, its about 15 inches longer than a 2016 Dodge Dart, with about 4 1/2 inches more wheelbase. Its actually about 6 inches longer than FCA’s final midsize car, the

With Afroduck, it was obvious that his incident occurred entirely within the same city in which he lived, there was clear law enforcement jurisdiction. These guys haven't revealed their route, which by necessity, also involved crossing multiple states, counties, and municipalities, so exactly who would be responsible

Only if they catch them in the act, or can prove which jurisdiction it happened in. Without a published route, there's no way to tell which police can do anything with them.

There were only 25 of those made, and apparently none survive in working condition. Daimler-Benz built some reproductions in the 1980s, wouldn't be surprised if one of those is road legal, but that's only 30ish years old. 

Yep, the cars were decent, but not extraordinary. What endeared Saturn to their customers was the dealer experience. GM worked very hard to write totally different contracts with Saturn dealers that gave them a lot less autonomy than their other brands, which allowed them to enforce better standards. Any new brand coul

I don’t know, someone stabbed someone at Easter dinner this year over a Ford vs. Chevy truck argument, I could see an argument over taillight designs at Thanksgiving going off the rails just as easily.

I do like the use of stainless steel for the body, that’s an idea who’s time has come.

You mean, he is acquainted with many people who often do him favors?

I’m also concerned about the growing use of Foxhole, even setting aside the national security implications, it also just seems distasteful. 

And someone needs to do something about those damn kids who keep skateboarding on the sidewalks

If that was the same exact prototype they wheeled onto the stage, could it be that the pre-show rehearsal weakened the glass, causing it to crack the next time it was hit?