
You don’t want a Sondors, too? They’re cheap enough. 

Beats me, the state’s entire population has been living in constant fear of their children or grandchildren trying to take away their drivers licenses for years now.

Well, Philadelphia for one. They usually play catch up to New York and Chicago, but I think Mayor Kenney might be ahead on his thinking here.

Does Chicago really still permit physical barriers between employees and customers in food service businesses? That seems kind of outdated, progressive cities are moving away from that as it can be demeaning for customers to be served through a little slot or window, and creates another surface for germs to grow on.

You're asking questions about utility and practicality about a company that put gullwing doors on an SUV?

How high off the ground will the bed floor be, and how large is the chrome badge on the front? Those seem to be important considerations for pickup buyers.

 Just put touch screens in Brinks trucks and sell them to the public.

But, without consumer DNA testing, how are we supposed to find out whether we enjoy drinking coffee, or which style of ethnic dancing we’re supposed to like? 

More time to focus on his sandwich business, I guess. 

Probably Liquid Ice

Eh, my cousin has owned his since high school and keeps it immaculate. Over 200,000 miles on it now, and its still his commuter car in the DC suburbs. Had it stripped down to the bare metal and repainted a few years ago, and I believe at least the driver’s seat has been reupholstered. 

How terrible does your life have to be for a fast food sandwich to be worth getting into a fight over? It just really puts things in perspective, some people really have it bad. 

I didn’t click, but which duke? Better not have been Windsor, never really a fan of that guy.

Has to be Nissan's Pike cars, particularly the Pao and Figaro. They shared too few parts with the Micra and were intentionally built in too few numbers to ever pay back their development costs, were designed for a niche market so obscure it probably couldn't be accurately researched, and didn't do anything

Yes, but not those ones, I prefer Round House personally. 

Yes, but not those ones, I prefer Round House personally. 

I always get a kick out of the scale they used in these old ads. “Hey, I’m concerned that our car might not be big enough as-is, can you paint the people really tiny so the car looks even more enormous?"

Maybe because Henry Ford II was kind of a dick and thought paying off Krupp would mean losing face to a smaller company (in an automotive context, Friedrich Krupp was a pretty big company otherwise)?

Same thing with removing the passive head restraints for in-car filming.

Just say a wizard did it.

What do you expect? Bond Bugs were never known for weather protection.