
I dont get that either - they had the extra money to spend making it into a faux cable stayed bridge with a mostly ornamental tower, but they couldn’t spend on extra analysis? Maybe build a plainer, simpler truss bridge that’s less pretty but still does the job if the budget was that tight. 

The fact that it isn’t a hatch probably means the edge of the trunk lid against the rear windscreen is covered with shiny black plastic to blend it into the glass. I expect that will look awkward in person, like the c-pillar on the 2015-17 Camry, or the c-pillar on the Jaguar XJ. 

Good lord, that is a rough 33. In the meantime, I’m 34 and get carded every damn time I order a beer or buy a ticked for an R-rated movie. 

To be fair, accurate math is really a lot to expect from a university with a respected engineering department specializing in bridge construction.

Thats the butler's job anyway, he's in charge of the household staff.

Well, someone like that could conceivably have a second home in New York, to be close to the financial markets in the city.

Well, that's a little further than I'd take it. But, I'd say that movies and TV have combined with social media to create an expectation that these things need to be overly showy, extravagant, and dramatic. 

I blame asinine romantic comedies, the same things that ruined weddings and engagements.

I just finally got around to depositing a giant canvas mint bag of pennies that had been building up for the past 10 years, so I've mainly been thinking of copper as a thin plating layer over a zinc wafer that costs 7/10 of a cent more than its face value to manufacture and isn't really worth my time to deal with.

Right, the median is more important than the average, and we’re actually #23 there. After Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, Australia, Iceland, Luxembourg, Belgium, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Ireland, France, the UK, Liechtenstein, Singapore, Spain, Austria, Italy, Malta, South Korea, Norway, Taiwan (or East China), and

Hell, I know that’s where I’d be if I could afford it. Its like the Beverly Hills of countries, except not vulgar and awful. 

Technically, we’re the 21st wealthiest country by median individual wealth, but 2nd in average wealth (after Switzerland).

Are we sure this is a car from 2019? no giant grille, no fake floating roof pillar, no shiny black plastic fake windows, no exaggerated fender flares, no crazy side creases

He considered them trustworthy because of their morality and lack of drug/alcohol use. Between the 1950s and 1970s, the top executive ranks of Hughes Tool/Summa were stacked with LDS church members, with Bob Maheu being one of the few prominent exceptions. 

The stock  Corona was such an elegant little car, always thought they looked more expensive than they really were.

We had two of them already- USS Akron and USS Macon

As late as the 70s, the Navy was considering a full flight test program as part of a research project into a heavy lift ground effect vehicle, like the Soviet ekranoplans. Hughes had maintained the plane in perfect flight ready condition for decades, and after his death, his heirs were getting ready to lay off the

Kind of, if he ever gets into the movie and casino industries, becomes totally consumed by his OCD and completely retreats from public view, trusting management of his empire to an army of Mormons, then gets addicted to heroin. 

I didn’t realize the two had any interchangeable sheet metal

They spent a lot of money on the Alfa relaunch and the new Maserati SUV, and Fiat did have a pretty aggressive new model strategy for a while - 4 models launched in a pretty short time span, coupled with the reintroduction of the brand. The trouble is consumers just didn't really respond, if the existing models aren't