
That mileage is amazingly low though, that's like maybe 2 years of use for me. 

If he’s a general, how come he’s wearing an enlisted uniform? 

Same reason why Transform HoldCo isn’t called Sears? Idiocy.

Nor will it totally shield your personal assets, since you will usually still have to act as a personal guarantor on any business debts, particularly for a newly established LLC. 

I do think having a cheap, easily replaceable, sacrificial guard is a good idea for an area thats so low to the ground and so prone to damage. I just don't see why FCA doesn't capitalize on the interest by making better quality aftermarket guards in other colors. There's a market, people will buy them. 

Its a Success Triangle, totally different. 

The new Chinese market one is though. 

Its a general rule, not an absolute. But, yeah, MPs in the 1920s certainly didn’t understand brevity.

Yeah, but only to the countries that can afford it (eg, NATO, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Saudi Arabia, etc) we make it on gross revenue, they make it on volume. 

You mean the same Levi's jeans that are already being made in China?

Thats why Russia, and the Soviet Union before them, has long been the leading exporter of military hardware to the developing world, though China is certainly gaining, if they haven't overtaken already. The US just can’t compete on price.

The more descriptive adjectives a country has in its official name, the less democratic it is. See "Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea” vs " Canada". 

And honorary head of the World Scout Foundation out of Geneva. You can tell it’s much more than a photo op for him, he’s genuinely passionate about the movement.

They were on Medicare cards until last year.

Coming to the US in 2048 (possibly)? 

He also once randomly wandered into a Boy Scout troop’s pancake breakfast when he was in Boston to attend the Volvo Ocean Race.

Yeah, I haven’t heard any weird rumors about him, like how Jason Torchinsky flips out when people make eye contact with him, or how Doug DeMuro demands a bowl of only green M&Ms be set out for him everywhere he goes.

Well, this was also the era when it was also totally OK to put a total stranger’s real phone number in a pop song.

It does other things!!

Also the ‘40s, and the ‘30s, and sort of the ‘50s, if you can overlook the rust and quality control. Everything after those decades has been ... inconsistent.