
How would you do that, without the assistance/cooperation of the EG government?

Another fun fact - his uncle once prohibited a major power plant from using any petroleum lubricants, because he was able to will the machinery to be lubricated using only his mental powers. It seized up and caused a major blackout. Their current president is actually reasonable in comparison.

Danny McBride's resemblance to Conway Twitty is even more obvious in still shots. It's both distracting and awesome at the same time. 

Another weird mashup of modern and backward thinking, too. Futuristic power source, but in an old fashioned conventional passenger-cargo combi liner, at a time when freight was starting to move to container ships and passengers were rapidly moving to airlines.

Owned by a private collector in Sweden, I believe. 

There was some of the same optimism in Europe, too. The Italian Line designed the SS Leonardo da Vinci (the replacement for Andrea Doria) specifically for easy conversion to nuclear power, in order to future proof it against obsolescence, since they believed in 1958-1960 that nuclear powered merchant ships would be

I mean, sure you could do that. Or you could build a much bigger reactor, stick it in a concrete dome, and use to to charge a battery powered car. Either way, I’m not the scientician here.

Vinyl siding, I believe is the term you’re looking for. With oriented strand board and house wrap behind it.

Something tells me this is going to play out something like this:

Go to an abandoned factory at night, dig a shallow trench, pour, and recover?

They captured the era so damn well. It didn’t feel like a nostalgic caricature of 1988/1989, but actually a realistic 1988/1989. It was a lot of effort for a few scenes in one episode. 

1) its a minivan - minivans are a niche item, modern cars are crossovers

That was such a wasted opportunity. The Family Truckster was a perfect commentary on 70s/early 80s American design and build quality, and not really that far fetched. That thing was just wacky for the sake of being wacky,talk about totally missing the point.

They don’t really need to, they’ve been able to accomplish what they need through broader reinterpretation of the existing language.

Didn’t the FuelShark people threaten Jalopnik with litigation when you guys pointed out that it was just an LED light powered by the cigarette lighter, with no other circuitry? What ever became of that? 

1 million miles, or 4,000 charge cycles works out to what, 11 years if you charge/discharge every day?

Well, its a Corvette, so there wouldn't be any body rust, but I'm willing to bet the frame is tissue paper at this point.

Also, find some metal that needs grinding, because viewers won't believe we're actually working unless they can see some sparks. 

This is as bad as that time when Porsche put a car on the market that was capable of exceeding the legal speed limit and had tires that required replacing after a certain number of years. 

I would consider getting a battery powered wireless turn signal kit, like the sort used for trailers. And maybe at least retrofit lap belts, if you’re really going to drive it a lot.