
The fact that she also complained over children playing makes me think that if there weren’t any meat smells, she would just call and complain about too many leaves in the driveway, the front door painted an offensive color, the newspaper not taken in on time, or too many guests parking on the street. 

Energy companies have pretty much nothing to do with car manufacturing. Automakers don’t have to check with anyone other than their dealers, shareholders, and relevant regulatory agencies before deciding what to build. 

The issue was the manufacturing costs. It used high end materials and cutting edge technology to achieve those figures, which meant it was going to be way too expensive to ever be truly mass market and that Volkswagen was guaranteed to lose money on every one, no matter how high the MSRP. It wasn’t practical to build

They were known as SS Cars initially, after they transitioned from sidecars to automobiles (SS being Swallow Side(car)). The name change to Jaguar was in 1945, just as production of civilian vehicles was getting ready to resume. Officially, it was done because it was more original and distinctive than SS and not

Parents of boomers, mainly. The only baby boomers that buy Cadillacs are middle class and working class blue collar ones from the middle of the country, and GM retirees. Wealthier/successful ones lead the wholesale defection to the Germans in the 70s and 80s.

Further back than that - the 1992 Seville and Eldorado and the 1997 Catera were about “reinventing” Cadillac, too. Heck, so was the Cimarron and the downsized and blander Fleetwood, Deville, Seville, and Eldorado that all came out in 1985-86.

No, I wouldn't buy a new Cadillac, because they really don't make anything that interests me, except maybe the ATS Coupe, if that's even still in production. An older, used Cadillac, sure, and I have gone down that route in the past.

I think I’ll stick with my Unity Cookies.

Doesnt run on pumpkin spice and has tires instead of Uggs, so not that basic.

We already have vehicles like this here, its a  low speed neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV). 25mph top speed, limited to operation on roads with posted speed limits of 35mph or lower. 

Well, the classic 500 it's imitating had like an 18 year product cycle.

I’ve been wearing PF Flyers for years and can’t seem to run any faster or jump any higher than with other sneakers (maybe worse on both counts), where’s my money?

You could even buy kits mail order to convert a Model T into a dedicated tractor. One of the main reasons Ford kept turning out T engines up to 1940 was because of their popularity on farms, either in moving equipment or in stationary use running pumps and the like. 

T’s were pretty much throwaway cheap cars at the time, would not have been unusual to see a smattering of them in a high school parking lot. Probably a good comparison would be Cavaliers in the ‘90s, (and ‘00s, and ‘10s) or maybe Beetles in the 80s. Classic Volkswagens are getting pretty pricey in good shape today,


I do too, except they buy nearly all their electricity from commercial generators. Except for one tiny solar installation that’s a rounding error in the city’s total usage, and one old 1950s gas fired plant that’s only used a few times a year for peak demand, but has to be staffed and maintained all the time.

Ask Puerto Rico and Long Island how well that works. 

Most cops I know thought that show was hilarious, but none of them are from Washoe County.

They get high and ransack a museum gift shop?

But if I dont ruin something, how will future generations know I was there?