
The grocery store I worked at in high school had a loft or attic space above the coolers that people were known to climb into once in a while. 

Unless there was also an inanimate carbon rod involved.

India apparently sends more in foreign aid to other countries than they receive themselves, so I guess you can make the argument that they don’t really need it anymore. But, a lot of it is done for diplomacy and cultural exchange type reasons. Even China still gets some foreign aid, and we all know how they love

I question whether EcoBoost does as well as advertised in anything. I had two Escapes as company cars, and their fuel economy was only slightly better than a Lincoln Town Car.

I know, right? You try it twice, three times, tops, and if you haven’t figured it out by then, give up. 

More likely drunk and/or high.

I mean, do you go out and yell at your idiot neighbors every time they do something stupid?

Their assets were purchased by a larger existing company that was already overseas.

Different people react differently 

The idea was that the next step in space exploration after the moon landing was going to be to make getting into space somehow "routine" , and also build a permanent manned space station. A spacegoing tractor trailer like the shuttle was supposed to do that, take people and cargo up quickly, cheaply, and frequently.

And it’s not unheard of for over 65 American pilots to go fly for a foreign airline for a few more years of income after retirement.

China was OK with MGM editing North Korea in as the villains in the Red Dawn remake, so that’s a possibility. Either that, or the enemy is going to be a made up generic communist/post communist vaguely Eastern European or Central Asian country (that's weirdly all still European white people) with a laughably fake name.

Or, “those northeastern liberal intellectuals have screwed our country again, killing three brave heros with a piece of junk spacecraft. Rest assured, Samuel Phillips and Robert Gilruth, among others, have just made my personal enemies list, just under the Grateful Dead, but just above the Kingston Trio."

I think everyone's aware that it's a vocal minority of semiprofessional complainers.

And if Corvette tradition holds, you'll be able to beat on this relentlessly as a daily commuter and it will hold up and be reliable. Plus, when it breaks, you go to your local Chevy dealer.

Nah, different customer base and a 2+2 GT vs a 2 seater purer sports car. 

Or, even better:

I remember my parents took me to see it, specifically because they advertised the shit out of it and everyone else seemed to rave about it so much. We all left wondering WTF we just saw and if we could get our time back somehow. 

Part of what makes housing so expensive is the cost of the land, so maybe instead of making houses ....

I’m assuming you also have a fair few people buying them mainly for novelty value, just to see what all the buzz has been about. Whether it drives them to become long term habitual meatless patty consumers or not is the question.