
Well, it should help calm down some of their target customers, by recalling the more buttons = more fancy/more luxury trend of the 1980s.

It was, the requirement was 18mpg combined city/highway average or less, the RX300 is rated at exactly 18.

Also, these were family station wagons, not a personal luxury coupe or sports car or a luxury sedan to take your clients to lunch in. As a rule, specialized family oriented vehicles (minivans, wagons, etc.) tend to get beat on way worse than others and tend to have lower survival rates in general.

Autotrader has three listed for sale near me, ranging from $4500-$14,000; which, admittedly, isn’t a lot for a once really common car that isn’t all that old, but, still they are out there.

Mental health is a serious unaddressed problem in many developed countries. Oftentimes, it seems like you can’t legally intervene to help someone until they’ve already done something horribly destructive.

Actually, there is some worry that Jaguar might not make it long term, especially in the US. Their sales are practically a rounding error against Land Rover, and JLR as a whole is losing enough money to threaten the stability of Tata Motors. There's serious talk that the business could be for sale, that Jaguar could

No, it was because Pepsi was outselling Coke in every venue where there was competition (e.g., in retail stores, as opposed to restaurants, stadia, amusement parks, etc where Coca-Cola had exclusive contracts), and their share of the overall soft drink market had collapsed from over 60% to less than 25% over the

Well, 2/3 of his businesses were Alfa Romeo and Fiat, it didn’t take a financial genius to see where that was going.

New Coke was done in by a con artist who established an organization to represent disaffected fans of classic Coca-Cola, who collected membership fees from all of them and got himself loads of media attention, with the real goal of getting the Coca-Cola Company to buy out his group and pay him to shut up and go away.

Why? To keep adults from accidentally dropping children out of them? There’s plenty of open areas on ships that are far less enclosed. Everything mid chest height for an adult down is totally fixed, she had to be picked up and held aloft to be high enough to fall through. 

Well, yes, he clearly didn’t kill his granddaughter on purpose, but he made a horrific mistake. The trouble is the family is suing Royal Caribbean now, alleging that the glass windscreens on the Freedom class ships are dangerous and the company is at fault. I don’t follow the logic at all, he messed up bad and should

No you won’t. People aren’t going to put down their phones, heave themselves off their couches, and take up arms because of some idiots who got killed in the desert. The civil war wouldn't go further than weekend riots in a few cities.

So, the extraterrestrial conspiracy is a government conspiracy? 

You're sure about the not dumb part? I mean, they're the ones who came up with the ethanol mandate.

Yep, apparently she liked doing that at hockey games. On those ships, everything under the railing is solid glass, above it, every other frame is open for cross ventilation of the lido area. He held her up on the rail against one of the open sections.

It depends on the test, a 15 minute written one you can do online, fine. Taking a few hours off from work to take a number and wait around at the DMV, no.

He was supposedly trying to hold her up above the railing so she could press herself up against the glass.

I don't believe in a shotgun approach that inconveniences everyone when we can target more precisely to the areas with highest risk - people involved in certain types/high frequency accidents and violations, and people over a certain age. 

Which is kind of a steal, since that only works out to about $13 billion a year during the life of the Apollo program.

Disco didn't really die, Billboard just renamed it hot dance club music.