
A part of I95 in Philadelphia was destroyed when I was a kid due to an illegal tire dump under it catching fire. 

Nah, Pennsylvania roads are immaculate now, since their ex-Republican governor pushed through a $4 billion gas tax increase for infrastructure.

Sometimes it’s to take the cost of building and maintaining additional infrastructure (roads, water, etc) off of the local government, sometimes it’s a requirement to allow for denser development than would be permitted otherwise. But, yeah, I suspect there are cases where that has been the intended result.

TMI at least has a solid concrete containment structure designed to withstand a direct aircraft impact, Chernobyl, like all the RBMK plants, basically had the reactors in an ordinary industrial building.

Which is about $7 billion in today's money

Yep, my grandfather ran for HOA president in his retirement community in Florida for that reason (they had a problem with him changing the pavers on his front walk). Unfortunately, I believe he went on a power trip after he won and started going after people for exactly the same things he hated being done to him. 

I put down a deposit on a new townhouse in an HOA neighborhood last year, thought about it for 24 hours, then took it back.

And Fukushima, although obviously highly flawed, was at least a bit better constructed than Chernobyl. Seriously, who’s brilliant idea was it to build a giant reactor without a containment structure?

So, is the bakery maybe owned by a retired Disney animator, by any chance? Just asking. 

(Insert Obama Not Bad Face)

Now playing

I know, right? They could have at least dressed him up in some quality Bolshevichka suit separates.

Stop reminding me I’m pushing 40, I don’t need anyone to do that, I have a mirror. 

Several funeral homes near me are still using 1990s era Fleetwoods, if they weren't in a hurry to upgrade before, doubt they will be now. 

No, I believe the deal is that if you take the driving test in an automatic, you get an automatic-only license and can't legally drive anything with a manual, unless you go and retake the test in one. 

Can’t they program the mirrors to brick when removed from the car so that the electronics require a special code to activate again?

Goddamn it, why am I finding out about this now? I would have visited this over the Serralles tour. 

Don’t use other people’s stuff without permission. 

Or buy a talking Al Gore doll. 

Hey, there's a place for them. They help many people feel slightly better for a few days. 

My mom's a nurse, and compliments total strangers on their excellent veins when she meets them, so I kind of get this