
haha! No need for full kool-aid. Just 2 devices. In my case, MacBook Pro and iPhone. I’d say full Kool-aid would add at least an apple watch and an ipad to the mix, or at least one of those.

My thoughts exactly... desaturating things in general allows for color to stand out. We’ve known this at least since the Modernist period. It’s nothing new or innovative. Solid design principles work across all mediums today and they will in a thousand years.

Alex, Apple’s products are what work best for me. I don’t like Android’s UI design and I think the OS ecosystem way of doing things still works great. And I think you’re on-point about Steve Jobs’ absence making itself evident. Not sure if it’s too much to say the they are completely adrift, but I respect your

haha! Right there is no other way to explain it! Although an alternative would be Photoshop’s handy-dandy content-aware fill. That method would raise no suspicions.

I’m pretty glad I never got aroung to learning ActionScript. That would have (not would 0f) been a waste of time and left brain cells, of which I don’t have many.

I don’t care if it does. I want it here. Screw Mars. San Diego is so much nicer.

Great. So now even cyclists will be getting parking tickets for leaving their bikes along the curb?

Oh of course! duh!

Love the random inclusion of Hank Hill’s face.

He’s not only putting his life in the hands of the knife thrower but also in the hands of whovere prescribed the guy’s glasses. Sure, just add some more margin of error to the act to make it interesting.

There’s no way they weren’t planning this film as part of the Justice League film franchise.

I don’t normally agree with people who have the audacity to jack around with someone else’s artistic work, especially when they do it based on an element as subjective as color. I usually do have respect for the attempt to do something different to predecessors, and Man of Steel is not an exception for me. If they are

From what I’ve seen online, it looks like it’s a very exclusive set, with a limited run. So I guess they’re trying to beat the resellers to the amplified resale value. Which we all know it’s considerable when you talk about an exclusive LEGO set.

$40 seems wildly overpriced. I'm an AFOL btw.

Don't care much about a flying car... all I want is a landspeeder.

Un cojo rifó cojines, otro cojo dos cajones, y al cojo de los cojines, le tocaron los cajooooneeees... Guantanamera, guajira guantanamera...

One of my top 5 films. I've lost count of how many times I've seen it. Probably the most underrated film of 1994.

They've realesed similar models to what you describe in the past. If you observe their entire business model, you'll realize that with every single series of products, they are trying to hit a certain demographic and price point. They are leveraging the magic (read: limiltessness) that is Lego to its fullest

Anyone else annoyed that this Hobbit fan was shooting the epic action VERTICALLY??!!! 3:16 in case you missed it. What's even more annoying is that Peter freaking Jackson was sitting right there and said nothing about this most deplorable behavior. Or maybe that's the reason he caused his phone to take 'A little

Is it too much to dream that this will be manufactured and sold by Mattel next year (in time for the BTTF 30th anniversary)? Probably. They need to get Michael J. Fox to endorse this.