
Please don’t glorify criminals just because they’re old.

Yes but minorities might listen.

She is also an abuser, she should get off her high horse and own her shit like she expects him to. It’s not so much: “yay, Depp!”, as is it is: “fuck this wife beater for not admitting what she did, while going on a hypocritical crusade against her own abuser”.

She isnt donating shit. With a net worth of $9 mil, only a complete dunce would believe she would donate. If I were Depp, Id ask for the names of the places she wishes to donate to and issue them myself.

Excuse me if I’m not going to go out of my way to support someone who disdains me:

I want so badly to agree with you. I’m starring your comment. And then I remember what a fierce feminist she was in denouncing Kanye’s lyrics about her, and ....... not quite as truthful as she first appeared.

I don’t buy this. He was sleeping. She wasn’t acting in self-defense. Don’t use abuse as an excuse for doing horrible things. My stalker served 25 years in prison for being high on meth and shooting her husband in the back, while he was running away. She claimed self-defense, too, and was released to wreak havoc on

Could you imagine if there were an entire industry of books that depicted men as big and muscular and shirtless on the covers, just an object ready to fulfill a woman’s fantasy in every way possible? That would never happen! Men can only be depicted as power fantasies when shirtless!

If you can’t tell the difference between the sword and sorcery genre and a type of performance that existed for the sole purpose of denigrating an entire race of people, then it’s not worth discussing this issue with you.

Just because the administration is going to be busy with things does not mean that the FBI will stop doing its job. For that you have to have money and connections, which may be few and far between for Hillary on both counts now.

She lost, next stop....Clinton Foundation investigation. You can’t see the forrest for the trees .

I didn’t vote in the general election, for many reasons.

I would like Hillary Clinton to curl up with a book and her dogs and never appear in public again. I kept my mouth shut. She lost. Go away.

I wrote in Sanders so...I WIN.

You got it. Dude’s close to fucking insufferable. High on his own nobility. Fucking rich kids. Quit your job if it feels like it will make a difference. Seriously, good for you, Brett. But spare me the goddamn herosplain.

Are we seriously pretending that the rape allegations against this guy are legit? Give me a break.

Assange is a hero, and has been. Do you think Snowden would have done what he did without wikileaks? What about Chelsea Manning?

I agree that there are valid discussions to be had about Assange and Wikileaks, but this entire article is childish bullshit written by someone throwing a tantrum.

Real headline:

Don’t jump t0 conclusions about *WHAT WENT WRONG*