
Fuck that pacifist shit, my nigga. I’m ready to die and I’m not even kidding.

Stay classy, white people.

This is trivial bullshit and I grow more and more disappointed with my fellow liberals with each passing day. We haven’t learned from “I will cut everyone out of my life who disagrees with me and votes for Trump” and continue to press on with this immature shit. Grow the fuck up.

You know who else was a victim of domestic violence? The guy who got his dick cut off.

The prevailing thought around here is that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of reasons other than Hillary Clinton failing to inspire people to vote for her. This is of course, not the case. Hillary lost because she fucked up. But she is so loved around here, that people are coming up with all sorts of excuses

She fucked up.

What would men have to fear from women?

Jesus. Save your rage for the people who deserve it. Alienating everyone is only going to make your life more difficult and draw no one to your point of view. When 50% of adults voted opposite to your views, shaming them won’t work.

Of course. The only reason to dislike Hillary Clinton as a political candidate is because she is a woman.

Of course not. Introspection and considering other points of view is for other people, especially since we liberals clearly don’t want to win in 2020 either.

Are liberals letting the DNC off the hook for sending up the least likable politician in the last century to run for president?

Man, you people are so embarrassingly stupid.

Outstanding Kinja

Wait, so you’re ok with punishing some people for the transgressions of others as long as it sends a message? Is that what you’re saying here?

Because sometimes, for any number of reasons, people can do things that are wildly out of character. It happens. It’s not like he killed someone.

I’m a black man.

“Meanwhile, Carey is demanding a $50 million settlement for “emotional distress.” I’ve never been a fan of that terminology, but in this case, well — it seems applicable.”

Do not take advice from people on Jezebel who do not know you or your boyfriend.

This format though. I mean... really. Come on.

You don’t get tired of doing this?