
Jesus Christ. You know, as a person with tinted skin, I find this line of thought from you people really terrifying. But I guess it’s good to know that in your mind niggas dying in the street is far less important that white women having the same opportunity to murder as white men.

Oh, look, white feminism again. Let’s take a moment while black people are lying dead in the streets at the hands of the police. Let’s take a moment to look at more important things, like workplace inequality. Where women police officers can’t gun niggas down in cold blood like male police officers can. That’s not

LOL! You gotta love white feminism. Fuck all these black people getting killed. Let’s make sure that white women are just as or more powerful than white men, then we can worry about minorities and what not.

Man, I live in Jamaica now, but I frequent the states for business and whatnot. We have a ridiculous murder rate, but rate, but at least in Jamaica I know I’m not going to get killed over some bullshit like being the wrong colour.

Because white people hate niggas. It really is very, very simple.

Of course gender matters. White women have also been getting black people killed for a long time now. Word to Emmett Till.

How is this even something you can be discussing now? Wait, the victim was black. Oh, never mind.

Right, because fuck justice for black people when a white woman could be inconvenienced. Women have always received less severe punishment than men and have always been treated less harshly after committing crimes. Yet you seize upon this one instance where it looks like justice may be served and try to invoke

All this publicity will lead to this film doing very well. When Nate Parker makes his next movie, the din will have died down and people will have forgotten about the rape dust up. He will be just another successful movie director.

Right, because child abuse is something to be made light of as you squabble on the internet.

US citizens who have not been convicted of a crime. Non-whites are more likely to have been committed of a crime because of biases in the justice system. Yeah, it’s Cosby, but you can’t suddenly pretend the inequalities in the country don’t matter.

I think Cosby is a piece of shit too, but come on. If this was a young black man being tried for drug offences in chicago is this what you would be saying? Or would you be talking about how the white power structure disadvantages black people? Because the latter is still a good argument.

The best One Piece

Drake is too fuckin’ PIMP.

Hmmm. Are you among those people who say men should speak out against rape and dismantle rape culture? Why do you distrust men when they express disapproval.

It’s about rape culture.

Similarly, people who like modifying mannequins can do it as much as they see fit.

She is trash. If she held conservative opinions people here would be clamoring for her to be beheaded.

Let’s be clear here. Drake is a famous rapper who bangs lots and lots of women. His Rihanna shtick is simply an act designed to keep them in the headlines of tabloids. It’s fucking brilliant.

This is the best comment I have ever read on Kinja.