SO, I may know some folks. :) How do get a hold of them?
SO, I may know some folks. :) How do get a hold of them?
If Jezebel doesn’t want him as a boyfriend, I volunteer as tribute! :)
This is literally the worst story and I am so utterly thankful that you wrote it and published it. I am so sorry for this poor woman. Thank you so much for telling this story.
<3 <3 <3 SO GOOD. :)
I am working on some mittens and a hat.
First scarf??!!!!!! Amazing!!!!
So what the hell should I do? 2012 Jetta TDI 2.0L. Paid $26K new, still owe ~$9K. Do I take the buyback option or do I take the settlement? What’s the best thing to do here?
I have people your friend needs to talk to.
Hate you all so much right now. I am behind and...thanks for the spoiler in the headline. Seriously NO OKAY.
Honestly, the only reason why they (journalists, websites, etc) write these sorts of pieces is to get "eyeballs" - to generate more hype/controversy, so that you'll come to their site, read their "edgy" piece and generate more advertising profit for them.
I bought my Nike Legend 2.0 workout pants at Nordstrom's two years ago and they are amazing. They look great and I've been working out with them for two years. (I have 3 pair.) They're also plus sized, for us bigger girls.
Completely and utterly disagree with you.
Oh God, I miss Blanche. This was perfect. :)
What about the University of Tel Aviv Study? "High Caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women"Jakubowicz D, Barnea M, Wainstein J, Froy O.…
What's with all the hating? That man is hawt.
Did you miss the line: "I apologize if you think my lines are crass, tell me how it feels to be verbally harassed..."
ARGH. Why isn't "Break Out The Boom-Boom" on Spotify?!?!? Sad panda!
I just wanted to comment about just how much I love Jezebel and you fabulous women who are here and who post. This thread is both enlightening and hilarious at the same time. :)