Rani doesn't need Vijay

Not to ring the alarm unnecessarily, but were these “inexcusable and unacceptable” comments....racist?

“continue our cycles of class-based resentment of mainstream reporting and education-based authority.”

Yeah the dynamic has totally changed in the past 20 years.

Yup. And note that Lucy Liu was the one who actually used homophobic language.

Kind of reckless to imply it might have been racist (in the original article).

It’ll take decades to undo, if the GOP doesn’t finally cement one-party rule by the next election. Contrarianism and ignorance and bigotry and selfishness are core Republican values, and the GOP has spent decades spreading like termites throughout everything. Whether it’s fascism-advocating legislators, extremist

^Floridian - cosign. Three relatives in the hospital and one of my current managers (with a wife in health care) have Delta. Two at my part time job recently died. Three others positive and out of the office. Guess what these geniuses had in common? 

That’s not the goal: There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that will make them change their behavior. They are who they are, and we need to start holding them responsible for the damage they do.

I really like to drink and fly,but I’m a very well behaved drunk, so it’s cool ^^
It helps pass the time, makes the stupid movies funnier, ...
I’m firmly in team airplane booze. That being said, some people should definitely not do it, so many grownass adults still don’t know their limits, it’s baffling...

I was thinking breaking the US into at least 2 or 3 parts would at least enable many of the left leaning regions to pull themselves further to the left instead of being dragged excessively right by the rest of the nation as it currently is.

Kind words, convincing arguments, and scientific facts sure haven’t worked over the last 15 months.

Ugh, I read this article this morning (because I apparently hate myself), and it made me consider that maybe this country isn't worth saving after all, and maybe we should just cut to the chase and break up.

Yeah, over the last few years especially, a large minority of Americans (with regional concentrations) have othered themselves and are proud of it. Kind of the underlying issue of this story, is it not?

If we’re lucky. What’s probably going to happen is that most of them will luck out and not get sick, which will just make them even more convinced that they were right to not get vaccinated or take any other precautions, which will just keep this shit going forever, until they finally incubate a variant that fucks all

The problem is that there isn’t enough “othering” of these reckless monsters. They need to be pointed out, shamed, and punished for incubating variants and spreading the virus to children who can’t be vaccinated yet.

No, more like a “loudly denying COVID and disparaging vaccines while on a ventilator” article.

Yeah exactly, this article is trying to have it both ways and it just comes off as incredibly hypocritical.

I really don’t like being crammed in small spaces with lots of people. And since security is it’s own bear, I usually get to the airport early and drink before getting on the plane. Fortunately for everyone involved, it makes me more tolerant and forgiving of the 20 point IQ drop that somehow happens to everyone in an

A lot of people out there went to one awesome party senior year in high school and seem to spend the rest of their lives trying to recreate it.

I love me some airplane and airport drinking. Its the sign vacation has begun, or a business trip has ended.