Rani doesn't need Vijay

Eh, I’ll give it a try.

Seconded. Undercooked, overly sweet, overly expensive, and overrated.

If I’m using the air machine and someone is waiting for me to finish, I pull away and park before putting the valve caps back on. Just a small courtesy that makes someone else’s day better.

If you get that worked up that you delight in “pissing off the insufferable pricks,” you might try caring less about what other people think.

Yay, another stupid thing no one asked for.

Dannis, I beg of you, please never use any variation of “break the Internet” ever again. That phrase needs to die an ignominious death.

I don’t think it’s Zellweger either, by all accounts they got along well.

Subway is the best local place to get a cold veggie sub. The local shops don’t have the variety of veggies that they do - a couple of them don’t even do cold veggie subs, just those horrible mushroom/peppers/onions hot ones.

Cashiering is a good job for high school kids or retirees.

Did you seriously come back here a week later to try to keep arguing? GET A LIFE. 

Where I live you can't even buy alcohol at supermarkets or drugstores. 

I fucking love self-checkout, you just have to learn the game. I never bag anything until I’ve paid, because otherwise the computer will freak out. I don’t buy more than 7 or 8 things. Bring my own bag which I keep under my arm until it’s time to bag. It’s easy and fast. And I’m a way better bagger than anyone else

Maybe if they'd pay better they'd get better quality employees, hm? 

Wouldn't it be nice if people just... didn't steal? I know it's a crazy thought.

I miss BCO!

Yeah, but it’s Applebee’s. Their food is terrible.

Ranch can be pretty great in limited situations, but I don’t understand the obsession some people have with it. I’ve heard server friends talk about customers who literally want a huge bowl of it. Ehhhhh

In a similar boat with the bulk items. Hell, if I buy a 6-pack of paper towels I have to keep it in my car and take out one roll at a time, because I don’t have the space to store much in my tiny apartment. 

I got a recommendation to try Sally’s Apizza and, nah. It’s exactly the type of pizza I don’t like. Give me a puffy, crisp yet chewy crust that isn’t freaking charred.

I’ve had decent pizza in Florida. Note that I prefer Neapolitan pizza and hate super thin/crunchy/burnt crust that some folks seem to love.