Rani doesn't need Vijay

How did I know that was going be yet another stupid thing in Dubai.


I live in a city that is largely composed of former Superfund sites, so I just filter my water and hope for the best. It doesn’t taste that bad when it’s cold. Plus buying bottled water is a pain in the ass.

A couple of months ago we were picked up by possibly the world’s worst/scariest Uber driver. He was so aggressive, tailgated, sped, braked hard, swerved, and almost rear-ended someone twice during the 20-minute drive. He also kept looking down at his phone to adjust the playlist he was listening to on his earpods. If

They also drive so close because in India, if you leave a “proper” amount of room, someone will move into that space. Drivers can be quite aggressive because otherwise you’ll never get where you’re going. Also, in most areas  lanes are just theoretical. 

Josh Cellars wine is decent.

They’re a thing.

garam marsala

Oh how dickish. No, I am not a waitperson.

I didn’t drive back then so I actually don’t remember the exact address - but I think it was right on Comm Ave. Long time ago.

*nostalgic violin* I remember when they were Boston Chicken, way back when I still ate meat, and damn their chicken was fantastic. They had a location in Allston/Brighton near Bunratty’s.

They should serve it with a side of blood pressure medication.

Dude, get over yourself.

You must be fun at parties.

Actual LOL

Yep. This looks like a fork-and-knife situation, which defeats the whole purpose of convenience food.

Peanut butter can be great on a burger (Impossible for me) but it MUST have pickles or some other acid happening.

Who even eats Peeps, honestly?

Like Murray Chang said, it’s a specific type of sandwich. It’s a cooked, pressed sandwich made on a panini press.

The chip bag closing technique really works. Sometimes you run out of binder clips (my preferred closure tool for bagged anything).