
Donna's awkward bathroom celebration was everything I needed in my life. Kerry Bishé was just phenomenal in this episode.

On the bright side, Oliver's hair looked better than usual in this episode.

And it totally ripped the "city uniting behind the heroes" from Power Rangers In Space.

Since we're rewriting time again, can we at least get Pied Piper onboard full-time next season?

Next season: DC's Suits of Tomorrow

After all we've had to deal with this season, I'm so glad we got the one last round of Lexa's badassery that we needed.

I love that the theme of this episode was "nobody recognizes Optimistic Barry anymore."

I'm not a huge fan of the plot direction of the latter half of this season, but I do appreciate that the writers are going all-in on it. If you're going to basically negate most of the things that happened earlier this season, at least it's leading up to a potentially fascinating finale. Whatever happens, the world of

…and again in every episode next season.

Who could've guessed that less Kendra would make for a relatively strong episode?

Wait, so you're saying your definition of hunky-dory doesn't include a bunch of attractive twenty-somethings hooking up, subsisting on the land, and occasionally committing mass murder?

Don't worry, guys. If The 100 is any indication, everything will be hunky-dory after a nuclear explosion or thirty.

I hear that Ranger Operator Series Blue is pretty attractive as well.

Barry can run on water, commune with a deity-like entity, and now he can heal people in a coma. I see what your endgame is here, The Flash. Barry is becoming Jesus.

If the show made Carter a regular next season just so they could kill him off in every episode, I would be 100% onboard.

“[Carter’s] a part of this team. Always has been.”

Oh gods, don't let JaneSays2 see this - she'd be so disappointed in me.


Cisco is my spirit animal Patronus.

With the introduction of what were basically Megazords, I think we can officially call this show Power Rangers Tomorrow Force.